Here's how the long-awaited battle went


They had dodged for months, just when Paola Di Benedetto had started a relationship with Francesco Monte his current ex, becoming the most unpleasant rival and hated by his sister Belen , Cecilia Rodriguez at the time engaged in the obscure Pugliese tronista

But in the end the meeting took place. Chatted for months, hypothesized then refused. After almost 6 months of The Isola dei Famosi 2018 when Paola Di Benedetto and Francesco Monte were the undisputed protagonists of the gossip, the 23-year-old Venetian came across the 28-year-old Argentinian at same time fashion where it was

Until a few days ago, it was really difficult, if not impossible, to imagine this thorny rendezvous. But that could really end what was supposed to be a clarification meeting to two, surely long awaited by gossip fans.

According to rumors and what they call well-informed gossip sites, when the look of Paola Di Benedetto and that of Cecilia Rodriguez crossed, the tension could to be cut with a knife. Meeting the ex of your last partner is not something that happens every day.

And it is precisely from their first public meeting that came the statements of Paola Di Benedetto. Old mother Nature of transmission Hello Darwin answered the question of one of his curious Instagram fans who wanted to know if there had been a discussion with the young Belen's sister. But Paola Di Benedetto answered serenely: "When you do business with intelligent people, you can not create embarrbading situations"

The eloquence of the short but concise answer by Paola Di Benedetto. There are conditions for a nascent friendship any female or Cecilia Rodriguez will sharpen the knives for the hidden fear that 'Mother Nature' could bewitching even his current partner Ignazio Moser ?

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