Here's what happens to your legs when you start following 4 simple tips · IxR


  cellulite legs

4 effective tips to say goodbye to cellulite and swollen legs – by Bio Solutions

Before the heat starts, let's not forget the health of the legs.

Species for women, venous stagnation, fluid accumulation and cellulite are always hidden enemies and summer is no use, on the contrary; it makes us feel swollen and heavy legs

Here is how to improve the well-being of the legs, from the food, considerably and naturally.

1. Tomato juice for breakfast. Tomato seeds have anticoagulant properties that improve blood circulation, which is why it is good to drink a natural tomato juice in the morning, not to mention that the tomato has a very low calorie index.

Moreover, it is an excellent diuretic, able to activate our metabolism to help us burn fat.

Finally, natural tomato juice will help us drain fluids and flush out toxins that make us feel more tired and laden

2. Warm showers in calves. Start and end the day by running a jet of hot water on your legs for five or six seconds, then gently for another 10 seconds.

3. Aloe vera and honey. One way to take care of your vascular health is to use every day this natural remedy based on aloe vera and honey.

Since the juice of aloe vera is a real cure for our health and is used to treat different diseases, let you advise dosages and methods of badumption by your trusted herbalist.

4. Sleeping with legs slightly lifted

Meanwhile, it would take a lot of physical activity. Enjoy the season. Walking a lot helps a lot,

it would take a walk of 30 minutes a day to have the legs more deflated and not painful (for example, in summer, a sport for everyone is fitwalking)

The way to to improve our quality of life and treat varicose veins is to maintain the legs as long as possible, for example when we sleep: try to do so by placing a pillow under the legs, at the calves

a rest feet can certainly do for us. – Source: soluzionibio

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