High blood pressure, here's how to lower it naturally


High blood pressure is a disorder affecting more than 10 million people, of which only ¼ is able to keep it under control. From the medical point of view, hypertension is indicated by the term hypertension and is defined as such when blood pressure increases permanently, beyond the values ​​considered normal. Specifically, the limits for diagnosing hypertension are: minimum pressure> 90mmHg and maximum pressure> 140mmHg

Almost always (in 95% of cases), high blood pressure is essential, so independent of other conditions disease; this form of hypertension is still idiopathic, that is to say, the specific causes are not known. There are then other types of hypertension, called secondary, which owe their appearance to diseases of the kidneys or heart.

Essential hypertension (which we will now call simply "hypertension") is probably a multifactorial etiology; Among the most important causes we can recognize: genetic predisposition-familiarity, overweight, unhealthy diet, sedentary lifestyle, alcohol abuse and stress.

Natural Remedies Against Hypertension. Let's see what are the most appropriate herbal remedies to naturally regulate blood pressure values. There are many, in this article we will see the most effective. This is 6 plants with diuretic and hypotensive properties, or able to lower the pressure and regulate it

Hawthorn . Hawthorn (Crataegus oxyacantha) is a thorny shrub of the family Rosaceae that grows everywhere in Italy. In herbal medicine, the drug consists of leaves and flowers, which are the part of the plant richest in active ingredients (flavonoids, leucoantocyanidines, triterpenic pentacyclic acids, phenolcarboxylic acids, sterols, amines and aminopurines)

. Hawthorn is one of the absolutely best plants for those who suffer from high blood pressure and for any other cardiovascular disease. This plant has hypotensive, sedative, relaxing properties and works by dilating the muscles of the blood vessels.

From hawthorn, you can use dried leaves and flowers to prepare 2-3 hot teas, to drink in the bow of the day. Alternatively, the mother tincture to be taken in drops diluted in a little water is also very good. The mother tincture is a remedy found in herbal medicine and the dosage changes depending on the concentration of the product and is usually indicated on the package. Beyond the possible personal intolerances, hawthorn has no side effects and can also be taken in combination with other medicines or other natural remedies.

Meliloto. Melilotus (Melilotus officinalis) is a herbaceous plant of the family Fabaceae (Leguminosa) that grows spontaneously in all regions of Europe with a temperate climate. Its name derives from the Greek word "miel" (honey) and "l tòs" (clover or biada), because sweetclover plants have always been a valuable source of nectar for bees, as well as fodder for livestock. [19659002C'estunesortede"cumadinnaturel"carcetteplanteesttrèsricheencoumarinessubstancesàactionanticoagulanteetfluidisantedusangC'estunremèdenatureltrèsutilepourceuxquisouffrentd'hypertensionartérielled'insuffisanceveineuseetlymphatiqueetquipossèdeaussidespropriétéssédatives(doncutilepourceuxquisouffrentd'insomnia)diurétiqueetdigestif

Unlike the & # 39; hawthorn, meliloto it can not be taken into combination with other drugs, especially if it is anti-coagulants. This is a great natural alternative to this type of medication, perhaps taken with other herbal remedies, such as hawthorn and heart (which we will talk about soon)

Melilot is used in flowering tops, which can be taken as simple infusions – leaving the fresh flowers infused, or dried for about ten minutes – or buying the mother tincture, to be taken as drops diluted in a few minutes. ;water. The dosage varies depending on the type of product and is usually always indicated in the package.

Cardiac. The cardiac (Leonorus cardiaca) is a small herbaceous plant belonging to the Lamiaceae family. It has Asian origins, but it is also prevalent in northern Italy and throughout northern Europe. Its name derives from the ancient custom of considering this plant effective for the treatment of heart disease.

Cardiac uses areas of parts (leaves and flowers), rich in stachidrina (betaine), glycosides, traces of essential oil, tannins, flavonoids, saponosides and arpagids. The flowers and leaves are used for the preparation of herbal infusions or extracts, such as mother tincture or tablets. It acts on the cardiovascular system causing hypotension (that is, lowering blood pressure), vasodilation and slowing of heart rate.

In cardiotherapy the cardia is used for the treatment of a large number of cardiovascular disorders: arrhythmias, hypertension, palpitations and tachycardias. It also has a sedative action, useful for people suffering from anxiety, insomnia and panic attacks. The effectiveness of the plant increases if it is badociated with other plants with similar properties, such as hawthorn and sweetclover. The heart is also an excellent natural remedy to relieve menopausal disorders.

Like other remedies, cardiac is also available in herbal medicine in the form of mother tincture, or tablets and tablets. These are not recommended because they almost always contain maltodextrin, a sugar derived from corn that people with hypertension should absolutely not absorb.

Horsetail. Horsetail (Equisetum arvense), also known as "horsetail", is a weed that grows spontaneously around the world with a humid climate near rivers, lakes and watercourses. water. In herbal medicine, it is considered an excellent diuretic and mineralizer, especially bone tissue

This plant uses the aerial parts (stem and leaves), used for the preparation of infusions and plant extracts . Horsetail contains: silica, flavonoids, tannins, saponins, organic acids, phytosterols, mineral salts (especially potbadium, calcium, magnesium and zinc), vitamins and traces of alkaloids.

Being a powerful natural diuretic, horsetail also acts indirectly on blood pressure, lowering it. It also acts as a blood purifier, promoting the elimination of uric acid. Horsetail is also useful for those who suffer from cellulite, water retention and for people with overweight or obesity problems

Finally, horsetail is one of the best remedies for prevent and combat the widespread problem of osteoporosis. Indeed, thanks to its high content of silica and mineral salts, this plant has been shown to have a beneficial effect on the tissue level and in particular on the level of bone tissue.

As for the contraindications, it must be said that Horsetail can not be taken at the same time as diuretics or drugs used to treat hypertension. It should be good if taken with other herbal remedies, such as those mentioned so far.

It can be taken in the form of herbal tea, or the mother tincture. The herbal tea is prepared with dry or fresh parts of the stem and the green twigs of horsetail. Pour 2 g of horsetail into about 250 ml of boiling water and let infuse about 10 minutes. Then he is filtered and drinks. Two cups of herbal tea a day are more than enough. The herbal tea can be bought in ebroristeria, or on the internet. Instead, the mother dye should be taken with the drop count, diluting it with a little water. The dosage is always indicated in the box. It is important to learn how to eat well, depending on your blood type! It is only in this way that it will be possible to monitor blood pressure, blood values ​​and maintain excellent health for a long time. All without taking medications or herbal remedies.

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