"His death violates the rules"


of Simone Pierini

Una letter which sounds like a bitter beffa . A woman died at only 37 years of age because of a cancer . Her fiancé is busy with her illness until the tragedy of the disappearance. But his grief was broken by the bureaucracy of PayPal who, following the notification of his death, sent a letter stating: "His death violates the regulations" .

Lindsay Durdle of Buckleberry in England, was to repay a debt of about 4 thousand euros with the company. Boyfriend Howard had already sent the woman's death certificate to PayPal and all other users to close all the contracts. However, he received this letter stating that the violation could not be corrected.

The clueless husband immediately contacted the company, which, embarrbaded, immediately apologized and began to solve the problem and close the debt. A spokesman for PayPal said: "We apologize to Mr. Durdle for the stress caused by this letter and we are urgently dealing with this incident.We are in full contact with the widower to support him" . In addition, the company initiated an internal investigation to understand how such an event may have occurred.

But the man has not accepted the apology from PayPal and is ready to file a lawsuit: "I have the intention to move to m & # 39; ensure that PayPal or any other organization that repeats such an insensitive act acknowledges the damage may cause ".


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