How a tweet LeBron James led fans to a sad day in the sun L.A.


CULVER CITY, Calif. – There was no doubt that it would come – to Los Angeles, the Lakers or a Blaze Pizza franchise in Culver City. For LeBron James fans, there was no doubt.

Well, until the clock reaches 17 o'clock. Tuesday, ending the frenzy that James himself encouraged.

The MVP three times holds a 10% stake in Blaze Pizza, a nationwide pizzeria. On Monday night, he hinted via Twitter that he could make an appearance at the Culver City franchise. The owner of the franchise, Tom Cook, knew that this particular place, rather than one of the 10 others that he owned, deserved special attention.

"I was floored [when I saw the tweet] like everyone else," Cook told Yahoo Sports. – The window in which James could arrive. "We have no confirmation whether it happens or not."

Mr. Cook stated that the franchise's largest production day is usually March 14, also known as the Pi Day, when the company offers $ 3.14 pies all day long.His crew is prepared for the three o'clock window on Tuesday in a similar manner, with the usual triple staff.

Of the hundreds who were online before 2 pm, Janet Raines was the first to arrive and she arrived with a folding chair at 7:30 am

"We continue to believe that it will come", she said. "I'd like him to make me a pizza." His reaction when LeBron signed, and was coming to dig his team on a five-year rut? "Just a relief, actually. Certain relief – the excitement of him being part of the team go from the front. I know he's really involved in the communities where he lives, so I'm excited for that too. Janet Raines of Los Angeles says that she arrived at 7:30 to be the first online to see LeBron James at Pizza Blaze. (Photo AP)

Ryan Andrus, a young man From around 20th line, arrived at 11:30 am Like Raines, he was as inflexible as James would sign with the Lakers as it was that James would show up at The Pizza Party.

"He'll show," said Andrus. "He would not post something like that and show up. I mean, look at all these people. He will be here. This shows that he cares about it and that he wants to bring together a group of people.

Andrew Porter, mall security officer, received a call from a friend to get to work. The friend told him that James was showing up at 4114 Boulevard Sepulveda. Porter, a native of Los Angeles, hoped to see James.

But no matter, he was happy for the reprieve of his daily routine.

"It's actually going to make my day, because we do not have that excitement at Culver City – let alone King James," Andrew said. "It's not something you can really plan because it was the last minute, for me everything is on the bridge, you feed everyone's energy here." 39: is a positive crowd Your day is going well. "

" He's LeBron James, so I'm not going to blame him, "Andrew added. "I'm sure he's making every effort to come here and see that crowd waiting for him."

Chris Haynes, a FedEx delivery guy, was grateful for not working in an office (with LeBron if your delivery was late due to his extended lunch break). He arrived around 2 pm when the pizza party started, like hundreds of other people.

They walked, cycled and drove. They pushed their babies into cars.

"F- a pizza," said Austin Ehrlich, who, like many, just wanted a selfie. "I'm here for LeBron."

Discouraged fans await the arrival of LeBron James at Blaze Pizza in Culver City, California. (AP)

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