How to avoid dangers for children when we go to the pool


  swimming pool

" The chemical hazard is the one to consider. In fact, with the hot springs of the plants during the hot season, the levels of chlorine in the water increase, and there is a risk of irritation of the skin and eyes. Then there is an underestimated aspect: before entering the pool, most people take a short shower, while we should wash thoroughly to remove from the body the creams we normally use (sun, emollients , moisturizers, etc.) Once in the water, they melt and can cause irritation. Even when we leave the water, we must wash well, rubbing the hair thoroughly. As a precaution, it would be advisable to use drops of artificial tears to clean the eye of chemical derivatives that may be harmful. "

To emphasize the importance of prevention is also Andrea Diociaiuti, responsible for the complex UOS dermatosis and genodermatosis of the pediatric hospital Bambino Gesù of Rome, which reiterates the importance of the shower, "Application on the antiseptic detergents for the skin " but also cork " to prevent the transmission of hair germs into the water ". To avoid annoying warts, the dermatologist advises children to wear slippers or silicone shoes and avoid contact with the water surrounding the pool and puddles, where the risk of contagion is higher.

The greatest dangers for the skin of young children are caused by direct contact with each other, and may include […] molluscum contagious, non-dangerous but which must be removed, fungal infections, or athlete's foot, favored by moisture between the fingers . In addition – continues the dermatologist – it can also happen cases of impetigo or mycosis of "marine fungus" that manifests itself by patches on the skin. Do not rule out folliculitis, with red dots on the back, non-serious superficial infections that are treated with a local antibiotic. It would then be appropriate for young children to swim in pools reserved for their exclusive use – recommends the expert – to better control them and prevent them from contaminating the water with water. excrement and vomit that cause bacteria to grow.

Be careful not to drink the water from the pool, "vehicle for gastrointestinal diseases, vomiting, diarrhea, salmonella and other pathogens with fecal transmission – adds Fabrizio Pregliasco, virologist of the University of Milan – Attention also to injuries, to protect with special waterproof patches, to avoid infections.It is good to use your own towel and wash it at 40-60 degrees Finally – he concludes – who goes to the pool would do well to avoid heavy meals.

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