How to defend and defend the hives of the Asian hornet


The Asian hornet subspecies (Vespa velutina) nigrithorax is a blackish brown hymenopter of about 30 mm with a broad yellow-orange band on the abdomen and a thin yellow line on the first segment. It is an invasive alien species native to Southeast Asia. He arrived in Europe, allegedly in 2004, by plane, through a cargo of plants and porcelain from China to Paris. From France, it has since spread to many European countries, including Italy. Since 2014, the Asian hornet began to colonize the first Liguria and then move to the northeastern regions of Italy. Currently, it has been reported in Veneto, but there are not yet some reports on its presence in the Friuli Venezia Giulia region

See also: what to do in case of bee stings, wasps and hornets

Life Cycle

The Asian Hornet is a social hymen with an annual life cycle. At the end of winter, queens wake up from the hibernation period and begin to build a small nest, defined as primary, often even near homes. As the summer season approaches, the hornet colony grows and, at some point, abandons the main nest in favor of a secondary, larger nest and often placed in an extraneous environment. urban on large trees. The secondary nest can contain from 6,000 to about 12,000 individuals and can generate about 300-500 queens. The queens at the end of autumn go into hibernation and their survival rate until the following spring is about 1-10%


To prevent the rapid spread of Asian hornet in the Friuli Venezia Giulia region is very important to be able to quickly identify the presence of this exotic species. Asian hornets are great predators of bees that they eat eagerly especially in spring and summer. Each hornet can catch 20 to 50 bees a day and when the hive is weakened, it often gets inside. In case there are hornets that catch bees in front of the hives, or if you notice the presence of large nests of hornets on the trees, it is recommended to call the unique emergency number 112.
The damage caused by the Asian hornet is not simply related to predation of bees, but involves the hive as a whole, since the presence of Vespa velutina highlights the hive that blocks its activity.

19659004] Available information on the risk that Asian hornet poses for human health is controversial. According to some authors, the risk to human health is similar to that caused by the European hornet, while according to other sources, the aggressiveness of Vespa velutina towards humans is greater, as widely recognized by the people of Java and Taiwan. However, the bite of this hornet is very painful and, in some cases, can be fatal. Everyone agrees that the most serious attacks occur when colonies are disturbed. People belonging to the risk categories are represented by all those who, for different reasons, frequent the agricultural and forestry sectors during the summer season. These subjects must pay particular attention to the presence of large secondary nests and in particular to nests built on low trees or shrubs to which we must never approach.

How to avoid points with hymenoptera

Here are the indications: [19659010]] to avoid wearing loose, dark, bright or flowery dresses

  • do not travel by car with open windows;
  • in case of contact with bees, wasps or hornets, stay calm and, if possible, still;
  • be careful when working outdoors, in the attic or on roof ledges;
  • to retrieve any nest near his home by an expert;
  • apply the nets to the windows of the house;
  • avoid consuming perfumes, fixatives or creams
  • do not drink directly from open boxes;
  • seal the waste,
  • never use insecticides for mosquitoes or other insects because their action is slow and usually the Hymenoptera can bite someone who is nearby before dying [19659020] In case of sting

    Indications are the same as those recommended for Hymenoptera puncture: after the insect has been punctured, it is advisable to immediately remove the sting, if it is stuck in the skin ( in case of bee sting) avoiding to squeeze it between fingers because the bag of poison attached to it could continue to inject more poison. Use a nail file, nail or tool to extract the sting below. Always apply when ice is punctured. Anyone who, after having been stung by a bee, a wasp or a hornet, accuse in a few minutes one or more of the following symptoms: urticaria, vertigo, difficulty breathing call 112 and wait for the arrival of help, it's good to stay relaxed with your legs up. Emergency therapy, in previously allergic subjects who have developed a severe allergic reaction, is adrenaline contained in the appropriate auto-injector, which it is recommended to always wear with him – who is allergic knows – and who must be promptly injected after removing the protective cap and maintain moderate pressure for 10 seconds on the anterolateral side of the thigh to ensure the injection of the drug. Call 112 immediately or go to the nearest emergency room using the device you are using.

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