How to lose weight without diet and without gym


Not to mention grams and calories and workout hours: here are 5 easy tips to easily eliminate unwanted pounds and lose weight without dieting

Weighing food, counting calories Next menu, organize meals and training many hours in the gym to lose weight can become difficult.

The risk? Defeat the good intentions of the regime and give up weight loss after a failed attempt.

The truth is that to lose weight in a healthy and sustainable way can be adopted strategies to change small daily habits obtaining in the medium / long term targets larger than those of a drastic diet and much more stable, without making any effort.

on the waist, bad, legs and thighs, in fact, they are often mostly the wrong choices at the table, which if done daily and prolonged in time do not let escape even the most effective metabolism [19659003] On the other hand, cut the portions and calories, contrary to what many people think, do not lose weight, on the contrary, they slow down the metabolism, the mechanism that allows to burn and consequently to get rid of extra pounds.

Here are the good movements to take to be able to lose weight without a diet and without a gym quickly

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