"I can not walk alone"


Emanuela Folliero and the fear of non-European citizens: "I can not walk alone in Milan"

"I can not walk alone in Milan". if Emanuela Folliero expresses all his fear of non-European citizens present in the Lombard capital. In an interview with Libero, the host of Network 4 points to security. "I do not feel safe in Milan, there are too many immigrants: when I walk alone, I receive obscene insults". The Folliero attacks then Beppe Grillo about joke about people with Asperger's Syndrome: "He's a fool, he does not know what he's talking about.".

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"" Nice mouth, blowjob for free? ", I do not dress up so flashy, but the other night, an immigrant told me to go home – he explains – Other times, I would have said something, but I ran away from my husband. "

"I do not live far from Milan Central Station, before going down to take the dog to do the necessary – always tells the Folliero – I am usually careful, but the other day I was caught off guard and a drunk man came out from behind me. I do not want to pack all the grbad, they are not all like that, but if a glbad can hold only two inches of water and you pour a liter of water, the water will flow. My proposal is to increase controls. At least near the station.

Last updated: 14h05 © RESERVED COPY

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