"I do not withdraw, here is" Love ", my theory of love"


Michael Bublè: "I do not withdraw, here is" Love ", my theory of love"

The Canadian singer returns with a new album after two years of break

"You missed me". Michael Bublè thus summarizes, with a simple sentence like him, two complicated years. Probably the worst I have ever known. Several months of suffering and unanswered questions, a diagnosis of cancer in children. One of those news that no one would ever want to receive, but life in the spotlight or not, requires you to stand in front of the mirror and face yourself.

It was the catastrophic beginning of a trip that caused the crooner to withdraw from the scenes and now, to come back with a new album, which was to appear on November 16th: love, but writes with the emoticon in the shape of a heart. But before talking about record and work, Michael wants to put, for the first time, the points on the alleged interview granted to the Daily mail in which there was talk of his permanent abandonment of the music scene. "They are idiots – attack without fear." Two years ago, my son was diagnosed with cancer, and my family and I published a statement that said we had to leave the entertainment world to be close to our family. I took a statement two years ago, I put this statement with other people out of context in order to sell more newspapers. This is the first time I have the opportunity to talk about this. public character, this is part of the game, but this time it was a big disappointment, there was nothing funny about it, I found it very bad taste. "

Bublè says: "I did not take a break because I wanted to, but because I had to do it, but do not worry, I will not leave, I'll stay here until I'm gone." old". Of course, however, long ago that the interpreter did not want and could work, he focused a lot more on family affairs. Then, about a year ago, without the certainty of coming back to make albums, he invited the boys from the group to his house. Between a pizza and a beer, they improvised a jam-session and the miracle happened: "I went out and there was one of my friends who smoked, I looked at him and I said:" L album took shape that day. " As he tells the story, Michael shows the videos he made that day on his mobile phone and you can see how real that emotion is.

Back yes, but on its terms. The one above all: "I do not have any more time for bullshit". So, pay no attention to criticism, enemies, social networks. Not even to those who define him as a singer "Christmas", which considers an honor more than a criticism. The only thread of his life today is love, in all its forms and in all its facets. And here's what Bublè put in his new album: "I did not choose the songs, but they chose me, my idea was to make a record composed of news that would bring out my theory of the Love. "Even here, the result of the last two years of suffering:" We are all experiencing difficult times and even if the price to pay is high, we get a different view of the world. During these months, I wondered a million times what meaning all this had and the only answer was love. "And if the crooner defines the composition of the disc, for him," therapeutic ", the concert will probably still more: "I need it, I need concerts, I will certainly, I believe in 2019".

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