"I read the contract while my husband was working" – Tvzap


The Lady of Sunday of yesterday and tomorrow is told in the round, obviously from the return in great fanfare to the transmission that identifies it the most

" Domenica In me is the program of heart and life the one who gave me the love of the people, economic security ": this is a Mara Venier who releases what tells of his return to RAI after more than four years, strictly still accompanied by her husband Nicola Carraro (recently operated on blood vessels.) While Venier was reading Rai's contract to dilute the tension). The return to Viale Mazzini is primarily his return to Domenica In which for her is the program by definition. " I am also author ", the blonde Mara confides again, however, that she does not forget the experiences that she has experienced at Mediaset in recent years nor the gratitude for Maria De Filippi nor the intense participation in Tú sí que vales which he reveals: "It has allowed me to conquer the band of young people, today I am also loved by boys ".

Mara Venier and Nicola Carraro, Twelve Years of Marriage

Today Twelve years after their marriage, the blonde Mara tells the beginning of the relationship with Carraro: "When I met Nicola, I I realized that I had met a special person but I was suspicious, I thought that there was not much affinity ] ", He confides to the pages of Chi But he retorts stressing that there were also similarities:" But we also have a lot in common. The relationship has improved over time for our two thousand and one affinity. The more years pbaded, the more we found ourselves united on important things . What are they exactly? All. The only criticism I can make is: "You Mara do not enjoy life enough," warns Carraro

Mara Venier: the operation of her husband Nicola and the Sunday contract in

Recently, however, Nicola, 78, had to work on an artery. But he did not have to face only the battle of the operation but also the woman who, according to him, exaggerates every minimum health problem: "Yes, I put a stent So I had to appease the social media because they gave me for dead ! "Said the entrepreneur smiling at the weekly edited by Alfonso Signorini . "When he told me we had to operate I no longer thought of Domenica In ," reveals Mara. "Everyone was expecting me in Rome but we were already in Milan and at that time we stayed in. The day that Nicola worked, my lawyer, Cesare Patriarca, arrived at the clinic. While Nicola was in the operating room, I was reading the contract "said Venier, to which the husband immediately echoes:" And I just finished working, I asked him: & # 39; Mara but did you sign? "

Mara Venier of RAI at Mediaset

of not serene moments, when the Lady of the Sun (it is convenient to make it) was forced to leave the RAI in 2014, one can legitimately count among these: "The exit of Rai, four years ago It had left me so bitter. The leaders of the time have said that there was no role for me anymore. They wanted to renew and I had scrapped it: "Too old" "says Venier. Who admits that she was professionally saved by a particular person: "Then, however, Maria De Filippi came who put me in a strong program. Tú sí that vales And Mediaset, The island of the famous … All this has allowed me to conquer the band of young people, today I am also loved by boys ", concludes the blonde Mara.

Mara Venier returns to Sunday In

The Venetian presenter is ready today to resume her position at the head of the Sunday of Rai1: "It's a big commitment, I'm also there. author of Domenica In . For me, it is the program of the heart and life, the one that gave me the love of people, economic security . And then it is also and above all the redemption of my life, my revenge … "Mara also says that her great friend, Maria De Filippi, encouraged her to find her place in Rai when she was learned that on the horizon it had reappeared Domenica In and that, instead, for any other program would have retained La Venier concludes this way, speaking of relations with colleagues and friends: "The friendship between women of the show exists. Just put aside the show ".

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