I redid my breasts, I went from one seventh to one octave


In an interview with the weekly 'Di Più', Francesca Cipriani said to have undergone a new bad surgery. The showgirl went from a seventh to an eighth. The idea of ​​resorting to the surgeon again was born after the need to remove the cysts: "I had to remove some cysts in the chest, but when I did a surgery I took advantage of it. "

Cysts Due to Stings of Hyaluronic Acid

In the last few weeks, Francesca Cipriani was speaking in the living room of "Afternoon 5". d & # 39; an intervention become necessary after stings & # 39; hyaluronic acid in the chest that produced cysts [19459011"L'annéedernièrej'aifaitquelquespiqûresd'acidehyaluroniquedanslapoitrineetilssontdevenusdevraiskystesmêmebadezgrosjenesaispbadijedevaisenmettretropousic'estuneffetsecondaireIlsétaientenflammésilsnepouvaientpasêtredissousdoncjedevaisopérermêmequandj'étaislàj'aifaitreconstruirelaprothèsedepuisdixansjemesuissauvé:j'aifaituneoctave". Francesca Cipriani is so pleased with the result of the intervention

Francesca Cipriani – who recently expressed the desire to find love in the study of "Men and Women". ; It does not rule out that the continued use of the scalpel may come from its fragility and insecurity. However, he is considered satisfied with the result. Although in the past he said he was yearning for a ninth, he seems to have found his perfect measure in the octave:

"I've always wanted to be an increase and this n & # 39; This is not the first time I've been speaking on my body.What do you want to say to me: Francesca, you talk about it because it's fragile, insecure and that it's not there There is no limit, it can be, in fact maybe it's just like that, but it does not see that beautiful bad. "

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