'I suffered from anorexia'. – Tvzap


Redazione Tvzap

The singer reveals a new and painful detail of her past

Anorexia. It is the demon against whom in the past he had to fight Bianca Atzei . To reveal it – a surprise – herself was during an interview to the weekly Confidenze, attributing to her relationship with her father some weight in this story:

A some point I suffered from anorexia. Why? I asked myself so many times. Perhaps I would have loved a more loving father. Mine was, but in his own way: with facts never with words. That gave me protection rather than hugs. But then I realized that the origin of my problems was the introverted character. With the help of my family, I went out, but I do not forget the days when I was hospitalized. Of all this, I talked to dad while I was at Cayo Cochinos. He had never realized his coldness and since his return he has changed.

Bianca Atzei and Heart Problems

Eating disorders were not the only problem with which the second clbadified had to cope with the latest edition of The Island of the famous . As he had already explained at one of his meetings in Verissimo Bianca also had heart problems which, 3 years ago, made an urgent intervention necessary:

[…] At some point in my life, I ended up in the hospital. I have been urgently operated on the heart. Psychologically, the operation of the heart destroys you and changes you. Seeing those who are close to you and who are not doing well is helping to reduce the many controversies of daily life. I was very scared. I had a hard time, I had to stop the tour, but I was a warrior. I did not say anything about the island so I would not be a victim.

The pain experienced in the past could have caused Atzei who decided instead to react and live with a precise philosophy: "Despite what happened, I do not pbad my time to think about my health, if I did, I would not change anything, whereas I prefer to live lightly, even with my head on my shoulders ".

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