"If I'm leaving for …", the guide to health care abroad – Lifestyles


(ANSA) – In which countries is the health card valid, in which case is it better to take out insurance? To explain to those who leave for distant destinations is the Ministry of Health on the site, with the interactive guide "If I leave for …" that allows you to get information on the right or not to care of health during a stay in any country of the world

For those who stay in Italy and want to know in advance the heat waves at the beginning of this year, as part of the campaign " Safe Summer, "the Hot and Health app, available on Android and Apple devices.

The "If I'm leaving for …" service has been available for some years on the Ministry's portal and allows all those badisted (all those who are registered and imputed to the National Health Service) and all health, to have information on less for health care during a stay in any country in the world and how to get it. Just check the country of destination and answer three questions (where are you going, for which reason, which category do you belong to?). "Only correct information of citizens who move within the EU countries and any other country in the world – explains the ministry – can guarantee, in fact, the full exercise of the right of movement and residence, in terms of social security, in countries other than those of origin ".
The "Hot and Health" application launched this year makes it possible to select, by selecting the place of interest, the levels of health risks in each city for the three days for which the forecast of heat waves is developed through an easy-to-read map from portable devices. It also provides recommendations for prevention and locally useful figures (ANSA).


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