Improving levels of care: a survey promotes Sicily


Improvement, among the Italian regions, of the capacity to guarantee the Levels of Essential Assistance (Lea): compared to the past year from 5 to 2, namely Campania and Calabria, the regions deemed unable to provide these services and services that must be uniformly guaranteed throughout the national territory. Veneto is at the top of the rankings

This is clear from the provisional data of the Ministry of Health's Lea 2016 surveillance contained in the 2018 Public Finance Coordination Report of the Court of Human Rights. accounts and released today by the Court for the rights of patients of Cittadinanzattiva. "The gap that still exists between regions, even among those that are realized," said Tonino Aceti, National Coordinator of the Court for Patients' Rights, is unacceptable and confirms once again the deep inequalities that characterize our health service Therefore, "a strong unitary strategy for their contrast" is urgently needed "focused on" strengthening the role of the Ministry of Health in coordinating activity. "

If c & c Is 160 the score needed to consider a Region "satisfactory" in the offer of the Lea, between the two "rejected" there is Calabria, which in 2016 reached a score of 144, losing 3 points compared to the previous year. Campania, on the other hand, although it is on an even lower score of 124, is the Region that has gained the most points: +18

In addition to these two, in 2015 , those considered to be "failing" were Sicilia Molise and Puglia, but in 2016 are all three promoted with "sufficiency", reaching scores of 163, 164, 169 respectively. In general, almost all regions have seen an improvement in its score, in particular, Puglia gains 14 points, Sicily and Umbria 10.

Rather return for Tuscany losing 4 points compared to 2015.
"We ask – is Aceti's call to Health Minister Giulia Grillo – to strengthen Lea's surveillance system, from its ability to provide more current data, avoiding a delay of 2 years "and" we ask – it concludes – that the new Lea will actually be accessible by the publication of the tariff decree ". [19659006] © All rights reserved

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