In 2020, Turin will host the 26th Congress of the European Association for Research on Cancer – Torino Oggi


Turin will host the 26th Congress of the European Association for Research on Cancer in 2020. The Association founded in 1968 now has more than 10,000 members who work and study in the field of cancer research. The event will take place from June 17 to 20, 2020 and will attract scientists, oncologists and pharmaceutical companies from around the world.

After hosting the ESTRO Congress – European Society of Radiotherapy and Oncology in 2016 – with 6,000 participants, Turin is preparing for another important international event for the study and exchange at the most high scientific levels in the field of cancer research. and its applications in oncology.

The candidacy was presented by Alberto Bardelli, tenured professor of the Department of Oncology of the University of Turin and director of the Laboratory of Molecular Oncology at the Institute of Candiolo-IRCCS, new president of the EACR, with the support of Turin Tourism and Province Convention Bureau.

"As Piedmonter, I am pleased that Turin is placed at the center of cancer research in Europe and around the world through the EACR 2020," says the professor. Bardelli – As President of the EACR, I will hire me as cancer research in Italy and the young scientists who succeed can seize the opportunities that international networks are now offering to benefit cancer patients ".

"This is an important goal – says Daniela Broglio, director of tourism for Turin and the Province – achieved thanks to the excellence of the medical-scientific world on which Torino can count and work synergistically between public and private subjects. "
These days, Turismo Torino and Provincia Convention Bureau is at the RAI Conference and Exhibition Center in Amsterdam, which hosts the 25th edition of the EACR Congress, to promote Turin and make an appointment in 2020.

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