"In Balalaika, I feel like a fish out of the water, like Belen"


Ilary Blasi does not feel comfortable leading Balalaika and does nothing to hide it: even in a recent interview that published the weekly TV Sorrisi e Canzoni, the Roman has confirmed to have felt a fish of water in the transmission that Cbade 5 devotes to the World Cup football . In addition to admitting her incompetence on the sport (which she shares with her colleague Belen Rodriguez ), Ms. Totti explained to the magazine why, while she was on vacation with her husband in Greece, the others were broadcast live with the show about the event taking place in Russia.

Ilary Blasi on Balalaika: "Me and Belen are giving us encouraging looks".

The conduct of Ilary Blasi at Balalaika was criticized by beginning; that the owner does not understand much football (despite her husband is Francesco Totti), has turned a nose to many viewers.

The same Roman, in an exclusive interview that she broadcast to Tv Sorrisi e Canzoni, admits not feeling comfortable by presenting a show like the one that Cbade 5 dedicated to the current World Cup in Russia.

"Even though I did my homework, I still feel a fish out of the water " – he told Mediaset the famous weekly before adding: "Fortunately it is the same for Belen Rodriguez ".

La Blasi therefore brought in the Argentine colleague to let him know that the two are absolutely unprepared for the central topic of the program in which they participate, to the point that he explained. "From time to time, between a discussion on the Var and another on the offside, we throw our looks of encouragement ".

To note the incompetence of the two women who were responsible for this new format, in many; also Maurizio Costanzo interviewed on the "flop" of Balalaika [VIDEO] said that it was a mistake of the network to choose characters like the South American showgirl and Mrs. Totti because the transmission results more about entertainment and Gossip rather than football

Ilary on vacation in Greece: "No mystery, it was a concerted break"

In addition to his lack of preparation for football, Ilary Blasi took advantage of the interview with Tv Sorrisi e Canzoni to clarify another gossip that circulated in recent days on his account. When the second round of the World Cup began, the conductor did not appear alongside Nicola Savino in the episode that marked the return of Balalaika after a week of stopping.

Insiders wanted to make believe that the 35-year-old was in Rome for the Wind Summer Festival (a recorded video was aired in which the presenter apologized for not being with colleagues on Channel 5 for another engagement), on the web began circulating a photo that depicted her on holiday in Greece with her husband. [VIDEO]

"Bye Bye Mykonos" – wrote Francesco Totti under a selfie with his half as they left the island. On this situation, Blasi said: "There is no mystery to unveil because it was a long pause.

So much so that we were the ones who published this picture". [19659006] Ilary also confirmed to the weekly that the hostess of the highly anticipated third edition of the Great Fratello VIP (which he defined as a complicated and unpredictable program ) and who will return to the guide of iene where a veteran feels now

This article has been verified with:

  • http://www.tvblog.it/post/1550532/ilary-blasi-balalaika-dichiarazioni
  • https://www.gossip.it/news/ilary-blasi-belen-rodriguez-balalaika-news .html

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