In Greece tablet with towards Odyssey – Art


(ANSA) – ROME, JULY 11 – The latest arrival from Greece
extraordinary archaeological discovery in the order of time: a
clay tablet on which are inscribed 13 verses of the Odyssey,
the epic poem of Homer. It's the same Ministry of Culture of
Athens to say that even if they serve other ideas,
it could be "the oldest extract from the Odyssey".
The ministry explained that an initial estimate sets the age
results from the Roman period, before the third century after
Christ: If the date was confirmed, the tablet would be "a
magnificent object of archaeological interest, epigraphic,
literary and historical ".
The tablet was found near the sanctuary of Zeus
Olimpia during the excavations carried out in what was once the
venue dedicated to the Olympic Games, organized in southern Greece
from 776 BC At 393 AD after Christ.


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