In Novara, a new regional center for Parkinson's disease


The Maggiore Hospital becomes a regional center for Parkinson's disease. The Region has established.

Parkinson's disease affects approximately 23,000 people in Piedmont and the number will grow over time with the increase in average life: it is a complex multisystem disease with a strong social and heavy impact . impact on the lives of patients, but also their families.

At the beginning of last year, the Region of Piedmont had recognized "Regional Expert Center for Parkinson's Disease" that of the city of Turin headed by Professor Leonardo Lopiano. Regional reference of stereotactic and functional neurosurgery for the surgical treatment of Parkinson's disease and movement disorders. "

This commitment doubles now: The Regional Council, on the proposal of Regional Health Advisor Antonio Saitta, today approved resolution that identifies a" Parkin's Surgical Treatment Center "at the University of California. Novara Son "University Hospital, which will have to cooperate closely with that of Turin for the sharing of clinical pathways from a network point of view, a model adopted by the Piedmont Region as a normal way to integrate professionals to promote the standardization of medical devices used

"An important signal – says Commissioner Saitta – to improve and extend care for patients with Parkinson's disease in Piedmont: offices are also working to update and a review of indications in the regional AO, by developing guidelines to coordinate the network of health services interested in the treatment of the disease. "

" The choice of Novara – adds the counselor – is strategic to meet the pbadive mobility to Lombardy of patients who must be treated surgery by deep brain stimulation: the Novara hospital has a its complex internal structures of neurology and neurosurgery equipped with all the human and technological resources necessary for the completion of the treatment pathway for patients with Parkinson's disease. In addition, the neurology of Novara Hospital for more than 20 years has run a clinic dedicated to the care of these patients and has gained a decade of experience in the care of patients with Parkinson's disease. Advanced Parkinson. "

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