In Rome – Cinema, Carlo Vanzina is dead Liguria | culture


  Carlo Vanzina

Carlo Vanzina

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Rome – The director dies in Rome Carlo Vanzina . To give the news are his wife Lisa and his brother Enrico. He was 67 years old.

"In his beloved Rome, where he was born, still too young and full of intellectual maturity, after a lucid and courageous fight against illness – the family note reads – the great director Carlo Vanzina loved us by millions of spectators to whom, with his film gave joy, humor and a loving look to understand our country ".

Verdone: "Buon viaggio Carletto my beloved"

"I just learned that Carlo Vanzina has left us. My dear friend, an exquisite person, a respectable person, has struggled for months as a lion. I am very sad. Kiss Lisa, his wife and daughters. And brother Enrico with all the love that I have. Have a good trip my dear Carletto ".This is a tribute to the author and director, who died today at the age of 67, whom Carlo Verdone entrusted to a post on Facebook

Rai, special programming for Vanzina

Rai devotes a special program to the director Carlo Vanzina, who died in the night in Rome. The program will experience changes from early afternoon with Rai Movie proposing "Marathon Vanzina": at 14:00 "Honeymoon at three" will be broadcast, at 15:40 "2061: an exceptional year"; will follow at 17:30 a cult like "Eccezzziunaleveramente". Marathon Vanzina will end with "Eccezzziunale genu- Capitolo secondome" broadcast at 7:10 pm. Rai1 will pay tribute to the Roman director in the early evening with "Miami Beach" scheduled for 21:25. Rai2 at 15:30 "Sunday lunch" will be aired, while Rai3 at 23:40 "Never United States" will be remembered and will end the Rai tribute to Carlo Vanzina

Mbadimo Boldi: "a smile to the Italians" ]

"Carlo's first film made with me", Honeymoon in Three. Then we did a lot. We were really real friends. We created a genre, the Christmas film, to give a smile to all Italians. We have given the "the" an extraordinary genre that has dominated box office revenues for a quarter century and has conquered the public's appreciation. "This is the testimony of Mbadimo Boldi, collected by Rainews 24, when Vanzina died." Carlo Vanzina, underlines Boldi, was "an extraordinary director, he made a film in three days. He wanted to work, to do soon. He had great kindness, great sympathy, a movie gentleman and a gentleman as a man, father and husband. "

Ezio Greggio:" You did not have to do it! "

"Hi Carlo, you did not have to do it! You're gone. I owe you a lot: you've wanted me in Yuppies a movie that went into the history of Italian comedy. And Selvaggi, 50, 60, a gondola marshal. And many other films ": Ezio Greggio writes on Twitter reminding Carlo Vanzina and he concludes:" A hug to Enrico, Lisa and your family "

Hello Carlo, you have not had to do it! You're gone, I owe you a lot: you've wanted me in Yuppies a movie that's gone into the history of Italian comedy. "And Selvaggi, 50, 60, a gondola marshal. And many other movies … A hug to Enrico, Lisa and your family.> / a>

– Ezio Greggio (@EzioGreggio) July 8, 2018> / a >> / blockquote>

Casellati: "The cinema loses the most loved character"

"With the death of Carlo Vanzina, our cinema loses one of the most beloved characters of the public. Son of the great Steno, he knew how to interpret the reality of our country with a real comedy and without misleading intellectualism. I express my personal condolences and those of the Senate of the Republic to his family and friends. "This was stated in a note from the Senate Speaker Maria Elisabetta Casellati

Monda, the Rome Festival will pay tribute to him

"Carlo Vanzina has been able to say with intelligence and often with foresight the weaknesses and the fashions of contemporary Italian society. Cultivated and refined, he chose to address the general public: I will be honored to remember him and pay tribute to the Film Festival. Antonio Monda, artistic director of the Rome Film Festival

He tells a carefree generation of films about holidays (by Fulvia Caprara)

The world of cinema is in mourning: Carlo Vanzina, 67, has pbaded away. In an old black and white photo the two brothers are children on the terrace of the house, one has a ball between the legs, the other is on a rocking horse. In front of him, kneeling, there is the father with a camera in his hand. After all, their life as children of art is all in this cliché of the family, a natural synthesis that, from today, has to bow down in front of the absurdity of an unfair absence.

Enrico and Carlo Vanzina son ​​of the great Steno, founding father of the Italian comedy, were born two years apart one of the other, the first the March 16, 1949, the second on the 13th of the same month, in & # 39; 51. They have never been equal and have never spoken in chorus, but now that you have to separate them, because Carlo is gone and Enrico touches the curse of the tears, fate, powerful, indestructible, the line of d & # 39; 39; love that has always united even in differences: "A wonderful brother – said the firstborn – Sensitive, intelligent, spiritual.It is never presumptuous even if he knows little about cinema He has a personal "touch" that allows him to tell things very lightly, without ever getting boring. "Two pages later, in the 2004" Vanzina Factory "volume, Carlo describes his brother:" Enrico is a fantastic writer, a "volcano" full of ideas, it is refined and at the same time popular.It is nice to work with a brother because you understand yourself on the fly.We have the same education, the same rear- plan … we laugh for the same things, we are indignant in the same way. " 19659004] Together, dividing the roles director Carlo and screenwriter Henry the two authors became a company and told, over the years, Italy and its changes, with the language of popular cinema, claiming a direct relationship with the public, based on comedy and tenderness, a sharp look at the typical homogeneous weaknesses and melancholy for a gift inevitably becero: "It happens very often – said Carlo Vanzina – to meet friends and acquaintances who tell me "you know, the other I went to the restaurant, there were people sitting next, they looked like characters from one of your movies" ".

A vein of greater confidentiality shared Carlo da Enrico. Less impetuous, less talkative, Carlo often left Enrico to speak in the interviews but he went ahead, added, clarified, completed: "The proverb – he said one day" who finds a friend find a treasure. I would change him to "whoever has the chance to be born Henry's brother finds a treasure" ". A student at Rome's "Lycée Chateaubriand", Carlo made his debut behind the camera in 1976 with "Honeymoon in three" and achieved the first successes with the two cults (82) that launched Diego Abatantuono, "Eccezziunale really" and "Viuuulementemente mia "

The following year is that of" Sapore di mare ", the manifesto of a carefree generation, but also a timeless celebration of the season which, for all, corresponds to the dreams of freedom and lightness: we realized that in this story the public has found the prototype of the holidays.All ages.Although the story was dated to the 1960s.Through the tapes and DVDs "Sapore di mare "it was discovered by the new generations and for them the same mechanism of identification was taken". Shortly after the "Christmas holidays" arrived: "The photo of a time, funny, sentimental, caustic".

The label of Director of Holiday Cinema comes from these two timeless hits, though Carlo soon changed direction, putting himself to the test in the dark atmospheres of " Mystere "and in Milanese effervescent and spilled to drink from" Via Montenapoleone ". And then, again, painting, in "Yuppies", the portrait of a new lever of very young, telling, in the yellow "Three Columns in Chronicle" the plots of politics the most unprejudiced, photographing, in the "Flaws blondes", the rude Roman bourgeoisie and unscrupulous. The pbadion for cinema, the in-depth knowledge of genres and authors, the wisdom to seize fashions and trends, then to return them to the big screen, enriched by the human factor, have always illuminated the career of Carlo Vanzina. Distinctive marks, like this being second, who came after a loved older brother: "Enrico – once confessed – always pinned wisdom pills, and then when he arrived that he went into crisis and he is came to ask for help, I felt uncomfortable, poorly prepared. The hope, now, is that the memory of this immense affection can help those who have lost it: "Carlo-Enrico once observed – possesses the extraordinary strength of who knows, always, what ;he does. Technically, intellectually and especially humanly. "

| I Vanzina al Secolo XIX:" We must not be discarded "

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