Rome, 3 November 2018 – The summit is expected to first four weeks of January, with 13 to 15 cases out of a thousand badisted, but the first InflunetHigher Institute of Health warns that theinfluence 2018/2019 began its race by already attracting 125,000 Italians. Very young children under the age of 4 are responsible for towing. By the 43rd week of 2018, according to the InfluNet newsletter, the total incidence of influenza was equal to 1.17 cases per 1,000 badisted, with a higher incidence in Abruzzo. We are generally at the "baseline" levels of virus circulation at the beginning of the influenza season, but in the 0 to 4 age group, the incidence at the national level was 2.36 cases per 1,000 people badisted.
in age group 5-14 years at 0.91 in the group 15-64 years at 1.31 and in individuals of old age equal to or over 65 at 0.69 cases per thousand badisted. Last week's cases were 71,000, but 125,000 if you calculate all those recorded from mid-October or the start of surveillance. "We are expecting – says virologist Fabrizio Pregliasco – a season of average intensity, much less than last year, when the number of cases was 8.5 million. We know this by studying the epidemic epidemic in the southern hemisphere, particularly in Australia and New Zealand, where dissemination has been limited. "" We already have 250,000 Italians affected by para-flu viruses – continues Pregliasco – but the real and popular influence will be felt in large numbers since December ".
In this influenza season, some regions "suffer" more than others: 233 reported cases come from Lombardy, 142 of the Sicily, 120 fromAbruzzo, 65 of the Lazio, 63 of the Piedmont, 55 of the Puglia, 54 of the tuscany. Further afield are Emilia-Romagna (39) and Liguria (30). By projecting the reported cases throughout Italy, it can be said that about 70,000 people have already contracted the flu only last week, for a total of 125,000 cases since the beginning of the virus surveillance.
Despite the fact that this year will be a medium-intensity flu epidemic and will force 5 million Italians to go to bed, the state and families will have to endure, almost as much as an economic maneuver, the financial burden of absences from work and outpatient medications. On the contrary flu shots their use is certified as a low-cost weapon, but still underutilized: only 14% of citizens use it every year and 60% have never vaccinated. It is also for this reason that the virus continues to claim many lives, between 15,000 and 70,000 people each year in Europe, according to the European Center for Disease Control (ECDC). In an attempt to improve the numbers involved, the vaccination campaign launched by the Ministry of Health starts throughout Italy, even at different speeds.
The general secretary of the general practitioners of the FIMMGSilvestro Scotti, however, reports in many areas of Italy delays in the delivery of vaccines in family doctors' offices which this year have been invested with a greater role in the vaccination campaign by the new convention. "Family doctors," he says, "should have been infected in mid-October, but in many areas they have not been distributed yet, and some will have to wait another 10 days." hole in the water risk ".
Among the first regions to move, there will be theEmilia-Romagna This Monday, like Liguria, will start the communication campaign for free vaccination. The vaccines will be administered by the family physicians and immunization services of Usl companies, who will receive the first 815,000 vaccines.
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