insults and threats on social media


The American Huntress Tess Talley Thompson ended up in the storm for photos posted on social networks, which depict her smiling close to the lifeless body of a rare example of giraffa killed.

The offensive photo dates from more than a year ago, but it came back to be discussed, recirculated on Twitter from the Africa Digest account. The legend describes Tess as "a wild American white, ancestor of Neanderthals" who shot down a very rare example of a black giraffe, "for the kind concession of the stupidity of Africa's South ". The white American savage who was born in Neanderthal comes to Africa and shot at the very rare black giraffe duvet of the stupidity of South Africa. She calls Tess Thompson Talley. Please share

– AfricaDigest (@africlandpost) 16 Jun 2018

Since photos have been propagated, to In mid-June, the American huntress made her Facebook profile private and a series of insults directed against women grabbed social media. There are those who defined it "idiot" who "retrograde" or "disgusting" . But not only. Someone went beyond the insults ranging from wishing her to prison, to coming to actual threats as someone on Twitter is appealing to someone else. One who can ] "kill them on the head" .

Anyone in the United States can you hit Tess Thompson Talley's head? … it deserves it

– be gilipollas (@Anscarix) July 3, 2018

The large mammal hunt is legal in parts of Africa, where the whole the sector makes two billion dollars. Tess Thompson defended her actions, claiming, by speaking to Fox News, that her hunt is necessary for the conservation of the species: "The number of these giraffes increases in part because of the efforts of hunters ". In addition, the woman added that the specimen she shot at was 18 years old, too old to reproduce, without causing harm to the species.

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