Ipermemoria, from Italy the first results in the world on the mechanisms of "super-memory"


Recalling one's life in detail, day after day, is virtually impossible. But there are people who can focus on all past memories, even in the details, without missing any detail. The profile of the latter corresponds to people with ipermemoria recently studied by the experts, who conducted a curious and interesting scientific research. Thanks to a series of magnetic resonances [VIDEO] including complex procedures in the brain, we have been able to understand what happens to those who have this extraordinary ability

super research conducted in Italy

Scientific research concerning super memoria was conducted in Italy at the Santa Lucia Irccs Foundation in Rome, but in partnership with the famous University Center of California, the Istituto Superiore di Sanità and the University of Perugia.

All researchers monitored 8 hypermemic subjects for a long time. The people who were part of the experiment were chosen through a series of tests to check their memory with events dating back 10 years, obviously taking into account the effort needed to remember the details of 39, a moment lived in the past. As mentioned in the introduction, to complete the study it was necessary to use different technologies, such as functional magnetic resonance imaging, able to observe variations over the course of time. the phase of the "memory of the past". Observing the super-talented, there were a number of differences in the brains of each of them, many of which have never been found in previous studies.

What Happens to the Brain

The mechanism that allows the super-talented [VIDEO] to remember everything in the smallest detail is quite complicated, but it is at the base of the human brain.

During the time of access to the memoirs, it was noted that the activity of neurons in the cortex, in parallel and at the medial level, significantly increased. It is a natural process that is rare, a dowry that resides only in a small circle of people. The study will likely serve as a means of control with others that will be conducted in the future, perhaps in the hope of finding valuable stimulation mechanisms in the brain. Another pride however for the science made in Italy, always active in the search for information that could open new horizons in the medical field.

This article has been verified with:

  • https://www.corriere.it/salute/neuroscienze/18_luglio_10/gli-otto-italiani-super-memoria-ricordano-cosa-indossavano-anni-fa-37b05a76-8447-11e8-a3ad-a03e04fe079c.shtml
  • http://www.ilsole24ore.com/art/tecnologie/2018-07-10/memoria-super-studiati-meccanismi-base-questa-straordinaria-capacita-ricordare-162455.shtml?uuid=AEz8PjJF [19659013]

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