Irene Grandi married Lorenzo Doni in Sardinia – News


Irene Grandi was married . The singer said " Yes " to Lorenzo Doni last night (July 2), in the church from San Pietro to Narbolia in the province of Oristano . The groom, lawyer and golf instructor, is a native Florentine but a Narbolese by adoption, since he made his home in this country about 10 years ago.

Before the promise, Irene sang " Hallelujah " By Leonard Cohen for Lorenzo, with his voice shattered by emotion. The religious ceremony was celebrated by a Capuchin brother, a friend of the couple, who had come expressly from Florence . The party with a hundred guests, continued in a room on the coast of Sinis .

In 2003, the Grand married Las Vegas Alessandro Carotti from whom he later separated.

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