Is Talc Bad for Health? Controversial data: the word to the expert


Talc, if used with care, does not hurt. Or at least not all types. To clarify the IAG on the risks and benefits of using talc, following the conviction of Johnson & Johnson who paid maximum compensation to 22 women, that is Claudio Giorlandino, general manager of the Italian School of Fetal Maternal and Infant Medicine

"An increase in endometrial cancer has been reported in women who daily use talc – explains the expert – but has never been shown to cause carcinoma of the ovaries it is well known that it has, in large part, a genetic origin ".

According to the expert "the documentation is broad and very controversial but the magistrates have found it valid to compensate" ]. Different speech for risk of inhalation. "Il talco – explains Giorlandino – is a mineral of secondary origin already present in nature in eruptive rocks and can certainly contain small amounts of hazardous substances such as quartz or silver. Asbestos risk is mainly by inhalation.If used every day can, in particularly predisposed subjects, determine the risks to the lungs and the development of a very aggressive pleural tumor that mesothelioma. "

However, talc undoubtedly has advantages. " Talc, especially when it is combined with boric acid, is an excellent anti-inflammatory and soothing skin irritation" explains Giorlandino who states: " there is good that you do not use it cute is macerated.This fact can promote absorption and, as we have already said, could contain quantities, even if they are extremely low, of minerals at risk for salvation e ". In addition, it is good to use them in small quantities and in parts more subject to friction.

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