Isabella cut off by the disease at 17 | Today Treviso | new


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"I do not know where I find the strength to write, but I do it because my daughter has been so loved by everyone." Isabella flew into the sky like an angel. The words of Corrado Annese affect the heart, which announces to his friends on Facebook the disappearance of Isabella, the 17-year-old girl, struggling with cystic fibrosis against which she has been fighting forever.

Isabella expired Friday after the umpteenth surgery. He lived in Abamo Termo with his father Corrado and his mother Beatrice. He had three sisters and a brother.

The funeral ceremony will be celebrated on Wednesday, July 11 at 9 am in the cathedral of Abano Terme. No flowers, that is the request of the family, but a good job that will be donated to the Italian League of Cystic Fibrosis.

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