It is also prevalent in our country


Panace di Mantegazza is a plant native to the Caucasus but also widespread in Italy. Its stem can reach a height of 5 meters and has white flowers that branch off to the umbrella on the ends of the stems; apparently, it would look like a plant like any other, but in the United States it caused severe damage to a 17-year-old boy. Alex, a resident of Virginia, said that he was cutting a bush that looked like a weed and that a branch was falling on his face. The young man hardly noticed it, as situations of this kind often happened to him, making the gardener in the summer. After a while, however, he began to accuse the first symptoms and was rushed to hospital.

17 Years Burned by Mantegazza's Panace

Alex, 17, of Fredericksburg, Virginia, is a gardener during the summer season and, during a normal day of work, he was in front of [19459004PanacediMantegazza. The danger of the plant was not yet known until the young man came into contact with him, accusing him of serious damage. When the branch fell on him, he did not pay much attention to it, but soon after he began to feel a strange sensation, as he had taken a horrible blow from sun . So he sent a message to his father and, after returning home and taking a shower, he began to notice that the skin was gradually coming off. The mother, who is a nurse by profession, understood the seriousness of the situation and quickly took her son to the emergency room.

Here, the doctors showered her for an hour and a half to restore the skin's pH level. After thorough checks, the presence of the lymph of Panace di Mantegazza in her body was found: it was she who caused this reaction and exposure to the sun worsened the symptoms.

Arrived in Italy Panace Mantegazza

Although Panace di Mantegazza caused damage to an American boy, we must however pay special attention in Italy [VIDEO] This because the plant spreads very easily and, after crossing the ocean, he also came to Europe. The first cases were recorded in the Nordic countries, with more than 10,000 hospitalizations . Gradually, she conquered more and more land in continental Europe and then reached Italy. Its ability to diffuse up to 30 thousand seeds in a range of several tens of meters allowed it to reach Valle d'Aosta, Piedmont, Lombardia Trentino Alto Adige and Veneto.

Mantegazza: what causes, how to recognize it and what to do

The danger of the panache of Mantegazza [VIDEO] is due to its sap, inside which there is what calls furanocumarin : these substances are able to change, become toxic to the human being when exposed to the sun. In case you should even just touch the plant, it would cause serious damage such as inflammation, burns that leave indelible scars and, if they come in contact with the eyes , blindness . For this reason, it is of fundamental importance to know how to recognize the plant, in order to stay out of the way. Fortunately, it has unmistakable characteristics such as height, much higher than other types of vegetation; leaf color, from light green to yellow; the stem structure, similar to that of an artichoke; blooming umbrella and finally the particular ovoid shape of the fruit. In the event that you have to find a plant that meets these characteristics, it is obviously advisable not to approach or touch it. In addition, in order to prevent its spread in other parts of Italy, it is recommended to take a photo and report its presence to the concerned municipality, which will be responsible for cleaning it in any security.

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