it starts on July 9th


It is official, Temptation Island will be broadcast from Monday, July 9 [VIDEO] on channel 5. The various slippages on the start date had anxious viewers, so Filippo Bisciglia through a video he had decided to rebadure the fans. Apparently, the beginning of the new season of Temptation Island has undergone a change not because of the broadcast of the World Cup but rather because of the bad weather that fell in recent days on Sardinia. [19659005] For the second year in a row, the most anticipated reality show of the summer is shot in Santa Margherita di Pula. Despite the various unforeseen, the filming of the docu-reality show dedicated to love is over and, according to rumors, an edition full of twists and turns.

Maria De Filippi guest at Radio Deejay said: "The island of temptation was born as a sociological experiment, but the reality exceeds our expectations. This year, a couple has already asked for the final comparison to the first episode, while another wanted to end up at the bonfire after just three days. I did not expect this year the reality to be more unpredictable than last year. "

Couple hunting that would give up reality

The comments of Queen Mary certainly have not gone unnoticed and so on the web has already begun to hunt for the couple who would give up the reality in the first episode. this is not Ida Platano and Riccardo Guarnieri since Gemma Galgani ran in Sardinia [VIDEO] as a loving consultant to give support for his friend.

Maria De Filippi at RadioDeejay also said: "After a few hours of the first registration a boyfriend whose name is unknown, did not appreciate the behavior of his half and so he immediately wanted abandon the island of temptation. Sometimes you get an idea, but then comes the turnaround and your behavior behaves as you never imagined. "For the moment, no statement has come from either the editor or the editor. of the conductor, it seems to be very secret.

Before the couple in question, only Riccardo Gismondi and Camilla Mangiapelo had given up reality not a few hours after the first inscription. remains more than waiting for the day of the spread of the island of Storm which, after a long period of waiting, is finally about to return and will soon dispel any doubts. [19659013]:

  • -arrival-before-episode-maria-of-filippi-bisciglia-1075379 / amp /
  • abandoned-1547617.html

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