It's time for watermelon – La Torre 1905


Fresh, tasty, appreciated by adults and children, watermelon is definitely the result of summer. Rich in beneficial properties for our body, it helps to purify and reintegrate the mineral salts that are easily lost in the sultry summer days. Let's see together, then, the main benefits but also the contraindications of this fruit

The watermelon is mainly composed of water (about 94%) and is, for this characteristic, appreciated for its diuretic and refreshing properties, it promotes the sense of satiety and the elimination of excess fluids helping us counteract much hated cellulite. In addition, watermelon is a good source of potbadium and magnesium which, remember, helps us fight against water retention, regulate heart rate and muscle contractility; good source also vitamin C that stimulates the immune system and has antioxidant action against free radicals responsible for cell aging

The watermelon pulp contains lycopene, carotenoid that gives the fruit the typical red color, from the notes properties antioxidants and anti-inflammatories for the prevention of tumors. Watermelon is recommended in low calorie diets (it only contains 20 kcal per 100 g of edible portion) but we pay attention to the high glycemic index. Therefore, do not forget to eat in the right amounts, especially in case of diabetes. I advise not to eat it at the end of a meal as its high water content could slow down digestion. Watermelon lends itself well to various recipes in the kitchen. Usually it is consumed naturally or in fruit salads, but try to use it to prepare delicious ice cream suitable for small or fresh summer salads. Combined with fresh cheese, green salad and some almonds, the result will surprise you
Dr. Elisabetta Casciello Nutritionist Biologist
Cell: 3713549027
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: Nutritionist Biologist Dott.ssa Elisabetta Casciello

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