Jacopo, Francesco and Gugliemo from Pazzi. Heroes or conspirators?


Francesco de Pazzi He was born in Florence on January 28, 1444, son of Antonio de 'Pazzi, Jacopo's brother.

Historians have identified in his person the main creator of the 'Pazzi' conspiracy, a bloody plan to which his uncle Jacopo did not want to participate at the start. The hatred of the Pazzi for the Medici has ancient origins: not only are the Medici people new, deprived of the illustrious past and the Pazzi family, but they also have a private brother of the legacy Giovanni after the death of his father-in-law .

He married Novella Foscari, daughter of Venetian merchant Andrea Foscari and Florentine Catalina Baldovinetti. The couple, we know nothing, he had five children.

The Medici must die and the April 26, 1478 Francesco succeeds in carrying out a project with too many heads, a lot of confusion and a pinch of utopia. It was he who drew Giuliano to the church, he who he launched the fatal blow.

We do not know what Francis did after the plot, what he felt when he heard Florence rebel against this bloody act and praised the Medici. What is certain is that he was found, lynched and hanged naked from the crowd. His body was exposed in Piazza della Signoria, hanging from the Palazzo Vecchio.

The figure of Francis remained in the shadow, but has fascinated many historians and writers.

Hannibal Lecter, in the book and in the film Hannibal, remembers his death and encounters a hypothetical descendant; and in the video game Assbadin's Creed identifies the villain to defeat.

Jacopo de Pazzi He was born in 1423, son of Andrea de Pazzi and Caterina Salviati. He ordered Brunelleschi and / or Giuliano da Maiano the current Palazzo Pazzi, via del Proconsolo, in Florence.

Jacopo is famous for being part of the Pazzi conspiracy with his nephew Francesco. Historians are pretty much in agreement in his secondary role at the beginning, not convinced by this plan too confusing.

But scholars tend to believe that it was he who tried to praise and seduce the crowd of Florence after the murderer: screaming "Freedom" tried to harangue the citizensbut he was stoned and had to flee.

He was found four days later in the mountains and he too lynched and hanged on Piazza della Signoria, the body exposed on the facade of Palazzo Vecchio.

His wife Maddalena Serristori and her natural daughter Caterina (beatified by Pope Benedict XIV) were imprisoned until death at the convent of Monticelli.

Jacopo's body did not find peace, even after death: Buried in Santa Croce in the Pazzi Chapel, he was exhumed because he was accused of being a blasphemer and having made a pact with the devil before his conspiracy. In fact, the cities of Florence did not digest its presence in a sacred and central place like that of the basilica, which is why it was buried outside the walls.

The chronicles tell that three months later, boys unearthed the body and placed it in Piazza Pitti for a waterfall. The corpse was then thrown into Arno.

Guglielmo de pazzi was born in Florence on August 6, 1437. Married in 1459 with Bianca de medici, sister of the Magnificent, to try to seal an alliance between the two families. According to some historians, it was a marriage of love, which is certain, it is that Bianca never broke it.

William anda politician and his career quickly mountedIn 1467 he was prior of liberty. In 1469, he was a member of the VIII de Guardia e Balìa, in 1471 officer of Monte and Consul of the Mint in 1475.

After the Pazzi conspiracy, he was exiled with his family, while it was only used by his uncle and his brother. William was totally alien to the murder of Giuliano and the badbadination attempt of Lorenzo the Magnificent.

The star of William shines only in 1495 when it is found in the chronicles of Florence on the roles of political representation and how Vicar of Mugello and Scarperia.

In 1498, he was forced to flee again to Florence because of the anti-Medici uprising. In 1502, he returned to the city, because he is commissioner on the ground and he obtains in 1513 the post of Gonfaloniere di Giustizia, his highest position. of the Florentine Republic.

In old age he bought the stronghold of Civitella di Romagna and died there probably in 1516.

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