Jaren Jackson impresses and Trae Young does not make in the summer league


Photo: Rick Bowmer (AP)

The NBA's summer league kicked off Monday night with a battle between the Hawks and the Grizzlies, which was won by Memphis 103-88. Over these four quarters, we learned everything we needed to know about each team's draft picks. Jaren Jackson Jr., the fourth pick for Memphis from Michigan State, is on his way to a Hall of Fame career. Trae Young, the fifth pick in the Oklahoma draft, heads to Bust City.

Jackson, to begin with, shot the deep ball as no one has ever seen before, reaching 8 triplets out of 13 for a 61.5% rate that, if it's worth it for his career, would make him the leader of all NBA times in this category. He seemed stellar both under the basket and very away from him, including on a drummer from the courtyard near the center .

It is unfortunate that Young could not match his counterpart in the field, winning 4-for-20 in total and 1-in-11 in three. This kind of imprecision is not going to cut it off at the highest level, and you have to wonder why Atlanta has not only reduced its losses and abandoned Young as soon as they saw his first two pitiful blows of the summer league. [19659003]

I hope that Young has other hobbies. Professional basketball does not seem to be his calling.

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