Julian Edelman "disappointed" with PED results


Julian Edelman has been addressing the media for the first time since the call of his four-game suspension for violating the NFL's policy on performance-enhancing substances was rejected.

The receiver of the New England Patriots badumed responsibility for the suspension and stated that he was concentrating on returning to work.

"It's disappointing with the penalty and the results," said Edelman on Saturday, via James Palmer of the NFL Network . "I am definitely responsible for this, but in the end, my goal is to go out and try to work my knee, to improve every day, it was hard last year, to see your team go out and play football without you. "

Edelman missed all of last season with an ACL tear. He will sit games against Texans, Jaguars, Lions and Dolphins to open the 2018 campaign. The 32-year-old athlete has the right to participate in training sessions and to pre-season games.

Bill Belichick addressed Edelman's suspension earlier this week saying, "We are all disappointed, that's what it is, it's gone, we've continued … "

Tom Brady was questioned about Alex Guerrero related to the suspension of Julian Edelman. Brady: "No comment, it's ridiculous, I'm out and then he left." pic.twitter.com/H11EKHpMvC

– James Palmer (@JamesPalmerTV)
July 28, 2018

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