"Keep away from what people say"


Chiara Bondi is (almost) eighteen years old, a contagious smile, a cascade of long black hair, modeling measures. And a prosthesis in the left leg. Five years ago, while he was not even thirteen, he suffered an amputation to below the knee the result of a motorized car accident . But if, in the beginning, his condition seemed unbearable, today it is one of his strengths.

Brave and determined, Chiara decided to participate in Miss Italia: will show with the prosthesis which allows her to live a happy life, to play sports (she does canoeing, windsurfing, climbing rock walls and devoting herself to diving), dreaming and seeing her wishes fulfilled

This year, she is a student in her final year of high school and Chiara will be a seasonal barista in Tarquinia, where she lives. In the meantime, he will prepare for the 2018 edition of the contest. Patrizia Mirigliani, the patron of the competition, welcomed her enthusiastically: "Our beauty is limitless and the handicap in this case is synonymous with a wounded and redeemed femininity. Chiara is the symbol of the strength of those who love life and want to be reborn after a dramatic period.

How has your life changed since the accident?
"In the first days and even in the first few months, I found myself catapulted into a world I did not know. I did not know what I would do, nor how I would return to normal life. But with the pbadage of time I began to observe people who, in my state, savored their daily life, ran, played sports. I rolled up my sleeves: at the age of 13, I could not abandon myself. I had to overcome the difficulties. Every day was a little better "

Who Helped?
"I must acknowledge the importance of the help that my parents and sister have brought me, but also that of the excellent work that I have done to me. -even. In the first few months, I could not even look at my leg: it's not easy to be almost afraid of a part of his body. "

" Now the prosthesis is part of me. I went back to doing what interested me, trying new experiences and enjoying life. I feel even better: at first, I took everything for granted, but after experiencing such experiences, the perspective changes. Even walking is not taken for granted: everything is reevaluated and we understand the important things. It is understood that everything is important. "

A great trial for a 13 year old girl
" In life where you look at what is not good, or you decide to enjoy everything else. So I am very proud, I want to do everything myself: I do a lot of work, but I want to achieve the goals I have set for myself. "

Why did you join Miss Italy?
Since the age of 15, I have fashion shows and photographs. But if I have to be honest, Miss Italy will participate primarily in bringing my message of resilience, as I have already done in meetings with schoolchildren ( with another leg amputee boy, Chiara continues the project SuperAbile ed) ".

What would you like to convey?
" I want to make it clear that there is no need to break down. "For those who have disabilities or coexist with any kind of diversity, I would like to say that I'm not afraid to show myself to others Be brave, get up and live too, do not worry not what people say, my self-esteem has transpired, but nowadays I'm fine with myself.If you feel confident, everyone will pierce it. true, and it will be a success. Life is always beautiful.


Thanks to the new (true) prosthesis, Maya will soon walk


Anu, her friends and her prosthesis: "How beautiful your pink leg is! «

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