Kenya, police: "Silvia Romano is alive, we are approaching"


The removal of the cooperator

"All indications are that we have almost reached the kidnappers," said Kenya's regional police commander Noah Mwivanda, interviewed by Ntv television.


"We are approaching, all indications are that we have almost reached the kidnappers". This was said by the Kenya Regional Police Commander, Noah Mwivanda, interviewed by Ntv television in a service broadcast on Youtube. "We hope to find" Silvia Romano "alive," he said. Police have also been concerned that some local residents are collaborating with the abductors by providing shelter, food and water.

Silvia Romano's research, reported the same Ntv, has benefited from momentum thanks to information obtained from the three suspects currently in police custody. The range of research is now limited to a specific area of ​​the forest, with access points being monitored by law enforcement agencies.

The correspondent of Chakama, Enzo Nucci

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