Kill a specimen of black giraffe and put pictures on Fb: avalanche of insults for the huntress


"The American white WILD, left in the Neanderthal phase, came to Africa and killed a very rare specimen of black giraffe thanks to the stupid courtesy of South Africa, he called himself Tess Thompson Talley . "With this tweet the complaint of a small South African newspaper went around the world and was exposed to the pillory of thousands of enraged users by the face of American fighter

A white American wild born Neanderthal comes to Africa rare black giraffe cuckoo from the stupidity of South Africa.It's called Tess Thompson Talley.See you share

– AfricaDigest (@africlandpost) June 16, 2018

The tweet of African Digest has been shared by thousands of people and, especially to United States, is sparking a heated debate over the meaning of the hunt.In the pictures we see the young pose just first and then exulting next to the victim. The insults did not wait and the social fury did not subside even when the huntress tried to explain through FoxNews that these photos are dated. a year and that the giraffe was already very old. [19659005] #TessThompsonTalley – Terry Skovronek (@adeathmidwife) June 26, 2018

Difficult for users to delete words read on his post, even if 365 days have elapsed since this safari in South Africa. South. "My prayers have been heard – writes Tess Thompson – the dream of a life has become a reality today."

"I saw this rare specimen of black giraffe – continues the killer – I followed him for a moment. I knew it would be the right time. He is over 18 years old. "

To rebadure the public opinion, an expert in giraffes, Julian Fennessy, co-founder of a center specializing in the care of this animal also expressed:" The giraffe in the picture belongs to a South African species and is not part of the rare specimens, indeed their number in captivity increases. "

" Legal hunting is not among the reasons for their decline. "another problem" , concluded Fennessy in an interview with Yahoo Lifestyle

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