"Last book read three years ago"


Written on 01/07/2018, 12:02:56

Lucia Borgonzoni a few days named new under-secretary for the cultural heritage with Gianluca Vacca (here is an article with their profiles), was the host Thursday of the transmission One day as a sheep on Rai Radio 1 . Although during the episode there was little conversation about culture (the transmission, in fact, is held on a register between the serious and the facetious), between the "calls" of the sub -secretary looking for a boyfriend and memories of his school career, Lucia Borgonzoni has nonetheless issued some statements regarding his role. The heads of One day as a sheep Geppy Cucciari and Giorgio Lauro, started from questions basilar to check "how he is put to culture" Lucia Borgonzoni. To the question on the last book read the undersecretary replied that "the last things I read are budget things": so, pressed by the leaders, he admitted that the last book read ( 19459007) castle of Kafka) "It will have been three years ago."

To the expressions of astonishment of the drivers and to the observation that reading should be a soul food, Borgonzoni replied, "Oh well, if I can, now that I can devote to culture, I put concerts, cinema and reading ". Questions about the last film seen ("seven months ago, but I do not remember what I saw.") And on the last concert ("I saw Jovanotti here in Rome Fashion Monday but I can not, so I'll go see Il Volo when I go to Taormina "). Lucia Borgonzoni then jokingly refused to answer the theater one last time ("I do not take the delegation of the theater … I will take that of the cinema").

Then we went in the background of government action. When asked if the culture should be eaten, Borgonzoni responds: "We eat with culture: culture must be promoted, culture must help save the other culture, maintain our heritage and make it accessible to all" . As for the fact that the government could reduce the crop, Borgonzoni said that it was not absolutely true. The 18app bonus of 500 euros for eighteen years to spend in culture, the under-secretary said that "the bonus of 500 euros for the crop must be reviewed: the boys could also go to buy toys for Playstation. It was a gift, the culture bonus is another thing. So it will not be deleted, but it will be redesigned so that it is really related to culture.

Finally, a question about foreign directors of Italian museums : "I am for meritocracy. I would like to give more luck to Italians, because there are so many who leave, honestly, and if you can give space to Italians, it is always good, but with the same merit. Maybe there are Italians who deserve to have places and often have no opportunity or opportunity. Maybe they had to see more of ours. It is not that the foreign directors are not good: I say we do not evaluate and we will not see ours. We are a bit 'rocky, it' s cool what comes from abroad. "By connecting to the Rai Play site, you can listen to the full interview

In the photo: Lucia Borgonzoni

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