Well, the free agency period of the NBA 2018 is officially underway and things are already starting to get interesting. Paul George is not going to Los Angeles after all, repelling the Lakers by signing a four-year contract with the Oklahoma City Thunder. Not only was it a good deal for the Thunder, but it could have a big impact on the Lakers plans.
If George had signed with the Lakers, he would probably have made it almost certain that LeBron James would have as well. But now it is not so clear. The Lakers certainly still have a good chance, but LeBron sweepstakes are much more interesting.
And at least one team has felt this uncertainty and is trying to get into the mix. This team? The nuggets of Denver. Not really. Via Yahoo Sports:
The Denver Nuggets aggressively pursue a meeting with free star striker LeBron James, a league source told Yahoo Sports, hoping to convince James that Denver's talent makes the Nuggets an ideal match short term.
Denver was in contact with James 'agent, Rich Paul, and stubbornly tried to position the team as James' best option, the source said. Paul George's decision to re-sign with Oklahoma City has kidnapped a potential James teammate in Los Angeles from the board of directors, and up to now the Lakers' talks with San Antonio for Kawhi Leonard are not going to be the same. have gained no traction.
The Nuggets do not currently have ceiling space to sign James, but if for some reason, "The King" agreed to join, they could easily find a way to lose some contracts. At this point, the Nuggets seem to be too long to have a meeting with James, let alone convince him to sign with them.
Still, it's pretty cool to see the Nuggets being so aggressive. They already have Jamal Murray, Nikola Jokic and Paul Millsap, which represents more talent than the Lakers or Cavaliers currently have on their roster. Why not go and see if you can convince James to accept a short term deal?
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