The case of suspected meningitis an 11-year-old girl caused widespread fear throughout Lecce. Discovering the news, many parents turned to family doctors to try to get more information and to be rebadured. In fact, many have thought of protecting their children from possible infection, perhaps with a the vaccination. The theme of no-vaxes, more and more present in our country and recently defined by Rezza as "social egoists", is therefore topical. the antibiotic prophylaxis in this case, however, it has been entrusted exclusively to the closest contacts since it is a bacterial disease. On the ground fell the mayor of Trepuzzi, Giuseppe Taurino, who, thanks to the collaboration with the ASL of Lecce, paid much attention to these cases. (by Matteo Fantozzi)
Mayor Giuseppe Taurino intervenes
A case suspected meningitis has been reported a Trepuzzi in the province of Lecce, but the alarm has not yet sounded. Despite this, the possibility of a possible epidemic given the recent case of an 11-year-old girl hospitalized with the same diagnosis at Perrino di Brindisi. the Mayor of Trepuzzi, Giuseppe Taurinoand theAsl of Lecce but they wanted to rebadure everyone. The first citizen of the municipality turned to the director of the health and hygiene department located in the northern part of the prevention department of the local health authority of Lecce, Alberto Fedele . It was then recalled that the meningitis battery sees only very few cases in which it is necessary to go to implement preventive measures for those who have concluded a close contract with the patient. The Trepuzzi baby was diagnosed with suspicion on the basis of certain symptoms coming from the laboratory and as the certainty could be late, it was decided to go adopt the preventive measures provided for the most serious form. "Meningitis". So we come back to talk about vaccines and the possibilities to carry out safely to avoid these situations.
Meningitis suspected in Lecce, but it is not alarming: short antibiotic treatment
It was decided to act with short antibiotic therapy only for contacts close to the hospitalized little girl at Trepuzzi for a case of suspected meningitis. As a result, family members, clbadmates and teachers will undergo prophylaxis. We remember that the meningococcus is a microorganism that is also transmitted directly with a few drops of saliva. Although this environment only resists for a few seconds in the environment, it is not necessary to disinfect the premises or close the schools. the Mayor of Trepuzzi, Giuseppe Taurino, wanted to rebadure everyone, as reported LeccePrima: "There are no prerequisites for triggering the social alarm or closing the school. Our attitude must be responsible, we have the duty to collaborate with the institutions and to follow the procedures ". He goes on to stress that we can not be conditioned by the social tam-tam.
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