Legionella: advice from Ats – LegnanoNews


The cases of Legionella reach 24 The metropolitan city ATS of Milan, this Wednesday, July 25, announced that 4 new patients were reported in Bresso. "The total, to date, is therefore 24 confirmed cases – specified by the ATS – : 15 at the Niguarda Hospital and 9 at the Bbadini Hospital of Cinisello ".

Gruppo Cape rebadured the citizens of Altomilanese stating that "the water that comes from our faucets can be drunk, without the danger of legionellosis". At the same time, a "working group" was activated to determine the sources of the contagion. "Pending the results of microbiological badyzes – specify Ats -, it is recommended to follow the appropriate preventive measures".

Legionella is a bacterium that lives in aquatic environments "as, for example, water systems, reservoirs, pipes where it multiplies at temperatures between 25-45 degrees and in the presence of stagnation, encrustations and sediments – explain from Ats – Therefore, less than 20 degrees (cold tap water temperature) legionella does not grow and is not dangerous. The symptomatology can be varied: one can have asymptomatic forms, clinical pictures like the flu, until a severe form of pneumonia. The disease has an incubation of 2 to 10 days, on average between 5 and 6 days. It is more common in elderly people with chronic diseases. "

Here are the tips disclosed by Ats Metropolitan City

Always keep the showerheads clean and free of scale faucets and hot water storage tanks (boiler) or replace them if they are worn

Let the water (hot and cold) run for at least 5 minutes taps and showers when they are not often used and if the subject suffers from diseases that depress the immune system

Maintain cold water at a temperature less than 20 ° C and hot water at temperatures greater than 50 ° C [19659009] Wash with sterile water (do not use tap water or distilled or packed in bottles) and carefully dry the aerosol therapy equipment after each use

reeds flooded with sun and water lilies used for gardening as well as collecting rainwater for gardening

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