like having a perfect tan


The good season has finally arrived and with it the opportunity to give yourself a uniform and lasting tan. But how do you get a golden, hydrated skin that lasts as long as possible?

Here are some simple rules that will help you stay tanned throughout the summer.

  1. SKIN PREPARATION : Before exposing yourself to the sun, it is best to prepare the skin for tanning by doing a scrub in order to remove dead skin cells. However, it is important to do it at least 24 hours before exposure; the skin, indeed, irritates and it is good to give it time to calm down and rehydrate before exposing it to the rays of the sun
  2. DIET : Eat foods containing beta-carotene precursor vitamin A promoting the production of melanin, natural pigment responsible for the dark color of the skin exposed to the sun. Then go for carrots, apricots, melons, tomatoes, kiwis and oranges. Obviously, it is necessary to drink a lot of water to stay hydrated.
  3. SOLAR PROTECTION : When it is exposed to the sun, it is good to use creams for the sunscreen appropriate, stronger during the first days exposure and gradually go down. It is also important to use a cream even if the sky is cloudy especially if you have fair skin because the ultraviolet rays responsible for sunburn can still reach the epidermis. We must also remember to protect the hair and lips of the summer sun that could otherwise dry out
  4. PRECAUTIONS : To avoid unpleasant burns, it is advisable to avoid staying in the same position; It is important to turn around on the deckchair every 15 minutes or so. Alternatively, walks. Avoid using perfumes and sensitize photo products before going to the beach because they can stain the skin.
  5. AFTER THE SUN : After a sunny day, you can rehydrate your skin by drinking a lot of water and using a cream afterwards. To avoid excessively long and hot showers that anticipate the loss of tanning.

Good tan!

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