Linfedema, Campisi team in Genoa, world leader in care


Corrado Cesare Campisi, one of the best experts in the field, explains the uniqueness of the special microsurgical technique born in the Ligurian capital

. Worldwide, March 6th, World Lymphedema Day is celebrated. A disease far from being rare, but still very underestimated. Among the patients also affected the VIPs of yesterday and today.

To appear with your name in the list of famous patients Kathy Bates, memorable actress in the Oscar performance of the famous movie "Misery should not die". And Carmen Smith, 30, Californian, who accepted the imperfections of her body by becoming a model of lingerie very followed on Instagram and appreciated by magazines around the world.

  Corrado Campisi
Corrado Campisi

One in 20 people suffers on the planet, up to 300 million people. Only in Italy 40,000 new cases each year (figures comparable to those of bad cancer), and more than 2 million chronically ill patients, according to the most reliable and most recent estimates.

Among the best experts there is Corrado Cesare Campisi, Surgeon of Specialist in plastic surgery, reconstructive and aesthetic of international fame, member of the executive committee of the International Society of Lymphology ( International Society of Lymphology – ISL ) and Associate Professor at the University of Catania, owner of the teaching of Plastic Surgery at the School of Specialization in Ophthalmology

Professor Campisi, how can you define lymphedema?

It is a pathology that manifests itself by a disproportionate enlargement of a limb, upper or lower: sometimes the beginning is bilateral. A swelling of the ankle, foot, hand, arm, which may appear suddenly and perhaps at first regresses thanks to the nocturnal rest. Often, over time, the edematous part hardens, inflames, causing discomfort, pain and functional impotence. In particular, the disease is aggravating, disabling and potentially irreversible, if it is not properly controlled

Primary and secondary lymphoedema: how can they be distinguished?

It is a widespread disease, it affects women and men. It can be conbad, with possible genetic origins, or primary: dependent, that is to say, the individual susceptibility of the affected subject. It is a primary early lymphoedema, if it occurs before the age of 35 years. Instead, primary late lymphedema is defined if it occurs later. Often the pathology turns out to be a direct result of a surgical procedure (especially oncological) or a traumatic event, and therefore it is called "secondary".

Around the World Team Campisi is recognized as "The First & # 39; : the first authoritative absolute reference on lymphoedema

Since 1973, the Genoese team led by Professor Corradino Campisi (professor of general surgery at the polyclinic hospital). San Martino di Genova), is the National Reference Center in the field of lymphoedema, with many scientific publications in this respect, recognized and estimated also internationally: is the reference site in Italy for those who want to receive correct and up-to-date information on the treatment of the disease

How many patients, on average, look to you each year?

The San Martino Policlinico Hospital of Genoa runs the Departmental Lymphatic Surgery Unit of the Department of General Surgery, Specialist and Oncology. The first in the national context, which is addressed by many patients, from all regions of Italy. A state-of-the-art multidisciplinary center, present, as well as in Genoa, also in Rapallo, Reggio Emilia and Turin, which treats more than 500 patients every year, including from Serbia, Norway, Australia, USA, Canada, Israel , Poland, China, Latin America and New Zealand, so around the world

How much has surgical evolution in the treatment of lymphedema reached?

In Genoa, our team developed a microsurgical technique capable of reconstructing both the superficial and superficial lymphatic circulation of the limb with lymphoedema. This modern technique is called "Multiple Lymphatic-Venous Anastomosis – MLVA" . In this way, it is possible, at the same time, to obtain an efficient and durable result, stable even in the long term.

Professor, what are the benefits for patients treated with this specific method?

In the early stages of the disease, thanks to reconstructive microsurgery, there is an average reduction in preoperative excess volume of more than 90%, with rapid recovery by the patient of daily activities normal. These excellent results allow to gradually reduce – and then to suspend – the need for medico-physical and rehabilitation therapies, including the use of elasto-compressive orthoses

and what can be done at the stadiums the most advanced of the disease?

After restoration of the correct lymphatic drainage of lymphedema limb by multiple lymphatic-venous reconstructive microsurgery, it is possible to treat the fibrotic-adipose deposition resulting from chronic lymphostasis by a complementary surgical technique developed by our team, called " Fibro -Lipo-Lympho-aspiration with lymphatic vessels saving procedure – FLLA LVSP ". Thanks to this approach, significant long-term results are obtained even in the most advanced stages of the disease, a significant volumetric reduction badociated with a simultaneous reduction in the need to use elasto-compression devices [19659027] Corrado Campisi ” width=”810″ height=”540″ srcset=” 810w,×200.jpg 300w,×512.jpg 768w,×420.jpg 630w” sizes=”(max-width: 810px) 100vw, 810px”/>

Corrado Campisi [19659028] Professor, one last question: what message to leave to patients?

We must not lose hope of receiving adequate treatment. It is important to turn to centers with certified experience that we have as therapeutic options both nonsurgical approaches and modern reconstructive procedures that can change the lives of patients, both in the early stages and in the advanced stages. of pathology. In conclusion, we must avoid wasting time in prolonged medical-physical-rehabilitative treatments, so exclusively symptomatic, knowing that the surgical option is punishable and extremely effective if it is practiced by experienced surgeons

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