Lisa looks at Sanremo: "I'm going to present a song … Bertè? Free criticism, I expected an apology"


"How many songs did you collect in the drawer?" "So much, but I preferred to come back with" Once upon a time, "because it is a text that speaks of the ability to throw oneself behind the past to start from the present."

The Voice on the phone is animated, a mirror of this grain which, barely three years old, led her to "perform" for the pbaders-by of the balcony of the house: Lisa is back . Thanks to the triumph of "Ora o mai più", the show of talents of the "second chances" RAI 1, the Calabrian singer, Annalisa Panetta, 41, is ready to regain all her power in the world of music, after a period Forced distance due to a tumor

In the past a career started at a very young age, with the second place obtained in Sanremo Giovani in 1997, then the third among the great ones. next year and the fame abroad, especially in France, between albums and musicals, then the sudden stop in 2006, with brain cancer that for about six years, forced him to live far backstage. In the future space for a redemption . In the middle, yesterday and today, one constant: the affection of the public, remained unchanged over time: "My supporters have never stopped sending me letters. letters and support me ", explains to Today

Yours was called an announced victory.
And instead I never expected to win it is impossible to be certain in such a complex program. However, inside of me, I felt that I had already won the first episode during : I had won against the spectators, who from the very beginning I've enjoyed and re-embraced warmly again; I had won with myself, because by accepting a transmission as well structured, I would have had the opportunity to express myself in a vocal way and for the benefit of my personal growth.

How did it turn out to be "therapeutic" now or never?
I always had trouble telling my emotions, I preferred using them exclusively through music without ever directly revealing what I had gone through. On television, however, I started an introspective journey that has led me to retrace all my life, even the negative emotions that I have been trying to forget over time. It was not easy, but it went well, because I reopened the doors that I had thrown away and I 've got it. face my past.

You said that talking about it in public was "embarrbading".
When I decided to tell myself that I had done it for a specific purpose: to give a positive stimulus to deal with problems of this kind. And with a spontaneous approach simple and friendly. A responsibility and an honor at the same time. Today I know that the message has been received: many, via the social, entrust their experiences. Two stories, in particular, moved me, those of two people who woke up from coma while listening to my songs: I sent them a message in which I shared all my joy. What is important to me, however, is mostly to call for prevention : never ignore body signals, never be cowardly, I've done it for a whole year and it was very dangerous, I was very lucky. We are not immune, nor eternal: we all go through.

In those years you have never abandoned the pbadion for music.
I am hanging on nails and teeth to life. I did not stop singing even when I had a relapse, in 2011. In a difficult time, then, I wanted to publish the album "Respect 6.1" , because I told myself that anything I would have liked left a mark, my message. Only for two years this situation has returned to stable, last year I took back life, so it happened now or never.

How did the comparison with success come between when you had changed from 'vent' years and today?
It has not changed. The enthusiasm is the same. And also simplicity. Knowing the celebrity of being very young has not "eradicated" me from keeping my feet on the ground. I have always lived with a great balance the joys that come, I appreciate them in an explosive way, to prevent rationality from diminishing certain emotions. I have worked on my shyness, yes: you have to look at life with big eyes to enjoy every moment. Photographer, Kenzo

"Once upon a time" is your unpublished document. Why do you feel yours?

Tells my story and that of everyone, represents the desire of to put into play something that is often not done out of fear. Sometimes, in love, it would take little time to rediscover the fire of pbadion, to recover by hand, but it is not done out of pride. Why not give up to love?

Are you in love?
The feelings are still in the circle, but for the moment I consider myself in "stand by". The suitors are not lacking and they never fail, both among the important people and among ordinary people. But I am for the normality: I do not look at the identity of a person to fall in love, nor for his profession.

What do you like?
I'm interested in values. A person could fascinate me if there was a great deal of respect, if she had content and if she was as sensitive as me.

From Love to Poisons: "Once upon a time" drew criticism from Loredana Bertè, who spoke of plagiarism regarding "I feel you" from the Matia Bazaar. How do you answer?

He attacked me for free, because it is not a plagiarism. Every musician knows that it is not, but she never studied music, admitted it, and so she does not know it. Plagio must take possession of an already existing song, resuming its melody from beginning to end, and this song does not do it with any song. I understand that in the game there is the joke in its place, but what he said is serious, I could also denounce it .

Did he do anything wrong?
I was impressed because more than once he had called the program 's ideal winner. It is strange, then, that such an accusation comes from her, who first said that she was the first to have unfair attacks. His words could have hurt me a lot, but the audience, sovereign and intelligent, went further: in a few hours, the song reached 65th position on iTunes. One song can always evoke another. It's like asking a stylist to stop using peas: it's the cut that makes the difference. I am so proud of my work that I would never wear someone else 's dress.

You can tell from the tones that you did not clarify after the episode …

J & # 39; I hoped to call once he would realize the gravity of the thing that did not happen.

Let's look to the future. Some rumors ask you for "this or that show" … Reality or fantasy?
Let's see what happens (here Lisa, generally verbose, tends to cut short, ndr ). In the meantime, I'm about to leave with live it will be a sparkling summer. Then I will evaluate the songs to be included in the new album.

And a return to the Sanremo Festival?
I would love to participate. I will present you a song, a song that I consider extraordinary. Let's see if Claudio Baglioni will agree. It would be a good time to come back on such an important step.

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