Listeria bacteria what consumers risk. ::. PHARMASTAR


In recent days, there has been much talk of certain foods, plants and animals colonized by the Listeriamonocytogenes microorganism, which are produced by some major food chains, and then sold to the public by major retailers throughout Europe. . The Ministry of Health has recalled from the trade a batch of ham cooked because of the risk of Listeria; a week ago, a similar spell had occurred with the soups of a known brand of frozen products. What's Happening

In recent days, there has been much talk about certain foods, plants and animals colonized by the Listeriamonocytogenes microorganism, which are produced by large food chains and then sold to the general public throughout Europe. . The Ministry of Health has recalled from the trade a batch of ham cooked because of the risk of Listeria; a week ago, a similar spell had occurred with the soups of a known brand of frozen products. What's going on?

"Listeria monocytogenes is a Gram-positive bacterium" explains Dr. Marco Tinelli Secretary of the Italian Society of Infectious and Tropical Diseases – SIMIT "normally present in the environment (in soil, in water, in vegetation) and in animals (birds, fish and even mammals) .The bacterium tends to withstand very low and high temperatures and can therefore persist for a long time in the environment. high strength and persistence in the environment is the reason why it can be found periodically in foods even after salting, in foods usually medium term and often kept in coolers. "

" Diarrhea and fever are the main risks, but complications can not be ruled out in some cases.Hygiene, surveillance and food control are preventive measures ives necessary "explains Tinelli

Listeria monocytogenes can be found in various foods we take: prepackaged raw vegetables and salads, frozen meat, fish, unpasteurized milk. Cases of transmission of infection due to direct contact with animals, contaminated environments or between humans and humans are however very rare

"Clinically, Listeria monocytogenessono infections are almost always gastroenteric, diarrhea appearing within hours of "intake of contaminated food, in some cases accompanied by fever," said Tinelli. "These are symptoms that are almost always clbadified as" food poisoning " which in most cases do not have consequences (only in some fragile patients such as young children and elderly diarrhea). intravenous). In some rare cases and in people with severely compromised immunity, such as neoplastic diseases or drug therapy cycles (antineoplastic drugs, cortisones, anti-graft rejection, etc.), the clinical form can become "invasive And cause life-threatening diseases such as meningitis and sepsis. The treatment of severe forms is done with antibiotics for about 2 to 4 weeks and, if they are recognized in time, they can be controlled and brought to recovery.

NATIONAL CONTRAST AGAINST ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE AND THE HEALTH APPROACH – The recent National Plan for Contrast to Antibiotic Resistance, known as PNCAR, launched by the Government in November 2017, introduces a fundamental concept for the management and control of infectious diseases. In particular, the PNCAR shows very clearly how the concept of "health" is no longer limited to distinct sectors, such as man, animal, environment, but they are all intimately related in one set. "It's the" OneHealth "concept, where health management is unique," says Dr. Marco Tinelli. In addition, the main international organizations (World Health Organization, American and European Center for Disease Control) have long been developing and developing a similar address mainly related to prevention. These prevention activities put in place by health organizations aim to collect epidemiological data on the entire "OneHealth" human / animal / environment chain, trying to highlight as clearly as possible the path of the disease. Origin of infectious diseases. soon the cause of the transmission of infection "

WHICH PREVENTION FOR LISTERE? – The main problem is the methodology of the controls of the" environment / animal / human "chain in the perspective OneHealth But what is being done to break this chain in the case of Listeria monocytogenes? "The fundamental pillars for preventing the spread of listeriosis are the common hygiene measures in food preparation, monitoring and periodic checks by the responsible authorities," says Tinelli. "The common rules of hygiene in food preparation are based on hand washing (primary rule for the prevention of the transmission of infectious diseases in general) before the handling of food, well control food delays and avoid Consume unpasteurized milk products The meat must be cooked thoroughly and it is important not to keep the raw meat in the refrigerator for a long time, which must always be kept clean and at a constant temperature of 4 ° ".

Another pillar of listeriosis prevention is the surveillance of foods that competent authorities such as ASLs have the task of performing at the territorial level in accordance with regional, national and international regulations. The search for Listeria monocytogenes is carried out both at the environmental level and in sampled foods. The presence or absence of the bacterium is based both on conventional microbiological systems, also used for other bacteria, and on molecular biology, which even allows the detection of small bacterial particles in bacteria. samples examined.

In recent years, because it allows operators to precisely trace the origin of food through a traceability system in all phases of production, distribution and sale of the product. It is not only a matter of guaranteeing the consumer, but also the institutions which, as in the recent cases of food contamination by Listeria, have been able to minimize the potential and spread further since the contaminated products have been immediately removed from the market.

della Salute recently funded a major multidisciplinary project to obtain immediate and direct information on aspects related to agricultural practices, historical and current health status, biosecurity and animal welfare. This strategy, as well as the institutional links with other European countries, will guarantee the citizen an ever higher level of health security.

"It is desirable," concludes Tinelli, "that the new government take responsibility for promoting funding, targeted actions for the OneHealth policy to improve infection management, in addition to the main and priority implications for human health, there will also be greater economic benefits for our country, already at the forefront of European food security. "

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