Listeria, Findus minestrone retreats and Lidl products. What are the symptoms?


The European warning system has again begun to withdraw from the market frozen frozen minestrone batches produced by industry leader Findus. "The decision is voluntary and totally preventative – informs the company on the web to prevent the behavior of fear of customers – and follows the signage of Greenyard (Belgian supplier, one of the the world's largest fruits and vegetables) the potential contamination of Listeria bacteria from a large number of beans used at least inside the packages. "The batches under fire are those of the traditional minestrone , on the other no suspicion.

No health risk if the product is cooked immediately clarify the health authorities.In fact, cooking kills germs.The authorities, however, to avoid new outbreaks and quickly break the chain of diffusion, carry out drastic initiatives in all the countries of the Union.We saw that when an infectious phenomenon occurs in one of the Member States, all the others are impli This is why common surveillance systems have been organized.

Other withdrawals in Sicily of lots of freshly marked maize and frozen vegetables distributed in Lidl supermarkets which published an online press release. And then in Germany, the United Kingdom, Finland and Austria, involved several supermarkets and brands. Even abroad, minestrone indicted, the common denominator is corn. The codes for unsecured items are listed on the respective websites of the companies. In Italy, other controls are activated immediately.

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Listeria: symptoms and how to cure infection | Products removed by Findus and Lidl
Listeriosis, a dangerous infection

The Minister of Health Giulia Grillo follows "with the greatest attention the evolution of the situation, prevention offices are at work. moment, there is no epidemic in our regions ". The surveillance in Europe of this rare and yet dreaded food threat is so close that between 2015 and the first week of June, 47 cases of infection and 9 deaths from listeriosis due to ingestion of food. raw foods eaten, containing vegetables processed in a Hungarian establishment. After the alert launched by the Budapest government, the plant was sterilized but obviously the microorganism was not completely eliminated and a new alarm was triggered. "As long as the contaminated products are still in circulation or frozen, new cases can arise," the two EU authorities responsible for the control and data collection system (ECDC, European Monitoring Center and EFSA, agency security)). In community newsletters, always updated, the number of patients and victims is published in addition to the list of responsible foods. It is frozen sweet corn, a mixture of frozen vegetables, including corn, beans and spinach. Always consumed raw.

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What are

Listeria are a very common microbe in the environment, causing foodborne infections that may have serious consequences for frail people, newborns and the elderly with immune defenses. The foods usually most exposed to the proliferation of bacteria are fish, meat, raw vegetables, unpasteurized milk. But the food microbiologist Paolo Aureli, who has dealt with Italian epidemics (in Piedmontese schools) when he was director of food security at the Istituto Superiore di Sanità, is very rebaduring: "S & he you have to cook, do not be afraid, a minimal presence of Listeria in certain foods is tolerated. "Coldiretti draws its inspiration to remind the urgency of extending the use of the appellation Origin: "The mad cow, the milk for childhood and the current situation related to Listeria are emblematic examples." Appropriate information is required, with the requirement to indicate the following: 39, origin of products in all foods ".

July 8, 2018 (modification of July 8, 2018 | 08:27)


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