Listeria, how to consume frozen food safely


The alarm Listeria the bacterium identified in many frozen products, is unleashed in Europe. In Italy, a series of Findus soups was also removed, while Lidl recalled some Freshona brand products

. Listeria consist of a family of bacteria composed of ten species. Of these, Listeria monocytogenes causes listeriosis, a disease that affects humans and animals with primarily gastrointestinal symptoms. Transmission occurs either through the consumption of food or contaminated food, or – but these are much rarer cases – through contact with animals and infected persons.

The Department of Health and Coldiretti called for calm. In principle, the consumer must check the packaging of the mark, the name of the manufacturer, the production batches and return the offending product to the point of sale. However, pay attention to some precautions:

1. Cook Still food. In fact, heat kills the micro-organism

2. Wash fruits and vegetables well before eating them

. Store all fresh foods in the refrigerator

4. Keep foods in appropriate closed containers

5. Avoid eating raw meat, cheeses made with pasteurized milk and smoked products;

6. Do not Thaw Food or Eat After Expiry Date

7. Frequently Clean and Disinfect Fridge and Freezer

If Listeria is already present in ready-to-eat foods 39; World Health Organization recommends keeping the temperature of the refrigerator below 5 ° C to limit the potential growth of bacteria.

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