long awaited by the doctor, the patient beats a scientific informant


The waiting room of the family doctor had seemed endless and when he saw that another person – a scientific informant – was trying to 39 entering the clinic before him, a fifty-year-old man from Bari lost his temper and openly accused him of having "stolen his place". The professional, after trying to explain to him that he was working, had "dropped the charges and sat down, convinced that it would end there, but soon after he had to change his mind." : once the 51-year-old man was released from the studio, altered, he attacked it, [VIDEO] first to bad words and then physically .. He arrived on Friday July 6 at Castellana Cave populous center 40 km from Bari.

The episode was denounced by the same scientific informant at Fedaiisf Federation of informant badociations Drug scientists and parapharmaceutics


According to the reconstruction provided by Antonio Mazzarella (president of the Fedaiisf ), the 51enne, residing in Castellana, would have died. first insulted the scientific informant, originally from Torre a M are then, outside the studio, he would have hit and cal there until the intervention of the doctor who managed to calm the patient. Immediately the men of the 118 arrived, who transported the informant to the Policlinico, and the carabinieri from the local station who put the abuser in detention [VIDEO]. The professional, immediately medicated, reported several injuries and a head injury reported by doctors with a prognosis of 20 days

Words of solidarity also from the Order of Doctors

The Fedaisf , who judged very serious what happened (especially if it is considered that none of those present, in addition to the generalist, intervened), expressed maximum solidarity with the whistleblower.

Also Filippo Anelli president of the National Federation of Orders doctors after expressing his proximity to the victim, he added: "These episodes of violence are anything but rare and are a clear symptom of debasement and little consideration of everything that revolves around medicine and the doctor Right now there is a climate of suspicion and who exercises the profession of scientific informant is seen as a emissary of drug industries almost a corruptor. Our support goes to the victim, as well as to all those who carry out this delicate and precious work. "

This article has been verified with:

  • https://www.ilmessaggero.it/primopiano/cronaca/rissa_medico_informatore_picchiato_paziente_9_luglio_2018-3845605.html
  • http://www.baritoday.it/cronaca/aggressione-informatore-scientifico-ambulatorio-castellana-grotte.html

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