LeBron James will not be the only athlete on the NBA rug to win the NBA 2K title. On Monday, it was announced that Giannis Antetokounmpo will be featured on the cover of the standard edition of "NBA 2K19", to be released later this year. Fans who purchase the standard edition of the game will see this cover featuring the Greek Freak.
"I am honored to be the first international player featured on the cover of NBA 2K19 ," said Antetokounmpo in a Liberation. "I like to play NBA 2K so that means a lot to me. I've worked hard to earn NBA recognition and be on the cover of NBA 2K19 is a dream come true. "
The Milwaukee Bucks star becomes the latest NBA star to star in the popular video game – a list that already includes Kyrie Irving, Paul George, Stephen Curry, James Harden, Anthony Davis Kevin Durant and Blake Griffin.
LeBron, who had the cover honors for 2K14, will also receive a cover for NBA 2K19's "20th Anniversary Edition".
Given the rise of Giannis and celebrity in the NBA, and the slogan 2K19 of "They will know your name", this seems to be a good fit for coverage. The 23-year-old was an All-Star and a second All-NBA team in 2018.
"NBA 2K19" will launch on September 11, 2018 for Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Windows PC and Xbox One.
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