Lose weight without diet, you can, here's how!


  To lose weight without diet, here's how!

First of all, think of health . This is not a saying, because healthy eating and well-being go hand in hand. It is therefore not only a question of exposing a breathtaking or stunned physicist who would not bet a penny on our fitness for the costume of Essay : it is from to feed in correct way without exaggeration and keep hunger at a distance taste the food and stay in shape without too many renunciations . Possible? Of course, here's how.

Calm down: The diet is not a deprivation diet, nor just a reduction of food, but a healthy lifestyle to stay beyond weight loss. One of the most common mistakes is to eat very quickly, too quickly, with the result of not having tasted food and not being satisfied. A good habit is to eat calmly, chewing for good (remember that digestion starts to chew!) And taste what we bring to the mouth. The food will be better badimilated and we will feel much more satisfied and light in keeping the desire for transgression and the special snack.

Down with stress: Many of us under stress tend to eat more. To console themselves, instead of resorting to sweets and snacks that are enemies of the diet, we play cunningly and prepare delicious dishes that can feed the desire for snacks without exceeding calories. Back at home after a day of work, nothing is easier than getting rid of stress and fatigue with the contents of the frigofero: but if we left something ready, for example a plate of raw or cooked vegetables, we we put in the kitchen to prepare dinner. Smart advice? We eat a small seasoned salad or fruit before meals: we will already feel full and at the table we will be less eager to put something under our teeth and we will not eat excessive amounts of food.

Long Live Forgiveness: However, in controlled diets it is easy to fall into guilt. The feeling of guilt increases stress (an enemy of the diet) and makes us unhappy. So let's go just as much to a small transgression: a sweet is sometimes not the end of the world, the important thing is to know that it is done with the awareness that it is a small gift that we want to do. We avoid considering these episodes as "sins of the throat", which have a negative connotation and which send us back to the forbidden sense of celebrating a food as a gift allows us to have greater awareness and to taste it with fullness and satisfaction. At the table, you do not grow old: God knows why our old men had so much wisdom that today we seem to have lost. The meal is not only a food, but also a real ritual to celebrate in company, friends, colleagues or family. The table is of great importance: one settles well when one can avoid eating in front of the television or the computer because one does not give the food the right importance: if the meal lasts more of a few minutes, it will be a moment that we will live as very pleasant even if the portions will be contained Sometimes the form is worth more than the substance

The glbad is half full: instead of thinking about it that we can not eat, c rather focus on what we can (and should) eat … and that's a lot! Smart advice in this case can also make the difference: we fill the pantry only with things we can eat and so we will not be discouraged by looking at foods that we can not or must eat, while that we can choose from many things available and that makes us feel good and fit. Positive thinking always helps!

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