Ludopatia, a plague that sends millions of euros to smoke in Italy


Sports, casinos (including slot machines), bingo, poker, instant draws: the temptations that a gambling lover faces every day are a myriad, and unfortunately more and more those who choose to d & rsquo; Abandoning, wasting money and not just

The player who becomes compulsive is not just the one who has a defect but is a sick person who needs to be followed, understood and treated.

As clearly explained the website of the Ministry of Health, the ludopathy is "the inability to resist the urge to play or make bets, although the affected person is aware that this may have serious consequences. "

a serious threat to the quality of life of a person and that of his family members: cases of financial loss, divorce, loss of life Use of substance dependence are not uncommon. drugs related to ludopathy

The player with ludopathy tends to increase not only the frequency of the bets, but also the playing time and the total amount spent in order to try, with an excessive fury, to recover the loss.

As a result, the player who suffers from ludopathy will then tend to play sums greater than his own financial resources, and will neglect the commitments of everyday life from family and work.

When he plays, the subject appears completely absorbed, it is separated from everything that surrounds it . In trying to reduce or interrupt play, he manifests a state of agitation and irritability: the "abstinence phenomenon".

To get an idea of ​​how this is a real pathology, the DDL 158 of September 13, 2012 (Article 5) has included ludopathy in the Lea (essential levels of badistance, or l? set of activities, services and benefits that the NHS provides to all citizens for free or with the payment of a ticket, regardless of income and place of residence) with reference to prevention, treatment and rehabilitation services for people with gambling

Many risk factors can lead a gambler to be more prone to gambling. This happens, in particular, when the subject already suffers from other psychiatric disorders or illnesses ranging from depression to anxiety and alcoholism, to drug use, to the personality and attention disorders.

are at higher risk of ludopathy players from 20 to 50 years, mainly male and behavioral in daily life tend to get bored quickly and in the same show and display a very competitive spirit.

phenomenon still too underestimated but close to the social alarm : according to the data of the State monopolies re-elaborated by the Association for the study gambling, in 2017 the Italians spent quite a bit, among slot machines, scratch cards and online gambling, more than 100 billion euros.

Fortunately, to date, ludopathy is only in 8th place among the main addictions in Italy. According to the latest CNR report, in 2017 the problem gamblers were about 400 thousand, or about 1% of the Italian adult population.

Caritas survey on consumption and knowledge of gambling However, from a sample of 1,600 young people from parishes or schools, it is clear that this phenomenon is becoming more common among young people

According to the study "Teenagers and the dangers: will he grow the employees?" with the hospital Bambino Gesù – bringing the very young to the game would be advertising carried by television, internet or tobacco tobacco and the most used tool to play is the smartphone.

According to the survey, almost all interviewees know gambling: especially boys are experiencing scratches and wins (94.8%), lotto and superenalotto (90%), lotteries (89 %), sports betting (86.8%), slot machines (86.8%) and b ingo (84.1%)

The task of the state is to limit the phenomenon, or to regulate it more rigidly

Recently, the State Council has established, for example, that it is legitimate that the By-law of the municipality to limit the hours of operation of slot machines.

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