Luigi? "Of a single baseness, he played dirty"


  sara affi fella magazine men and women Men and women, the latest statements of Sara Affi Fella: Luigi? "Of a single baseness.He played dirty … He was in a hurry to leave me"

Continue the rant between Sara Affi Fella and Luigi Mastroianni. This time, however, to say his was the old tronista. The latter, indeed, to the weekly Men and Women Magazine, wanted to tell its truth. Louis ? "He played dirty" said that she. Why? "The day before the release of his interview, we had heard and told us that he had made some statements about our breakup, but that they would not discredit me" . Sara, on the issue, then added: "I thought it was sincere, instead, Thursday morning, I found myself reading a mountain of lies and bad things about me." I always washed my dirty clothes at home, but Luigi did not do the same thing and lied ". So why did Sara and Luigi leave each other? "Problems were created when Luigi saw that I was an old person" she said. bad taste the fact that he decided to silence our privacy, shouting to the four winds that we do not sleep together. He did not behave like a man. "

After Men and Women however, it is true that both saw and frequented little, but today , Affi Fella said a different version of that of Luigi "First of all, I want to clarify that I was invited to Catania once and then I could not go because my grandmother was hospitalized " Sara ." The coming out of the question was a total baseness. " The Reason?" Ma Grandmother was in intensive care and was going to Brescia to spend with her only half an hour, because then I should have run to the airport to do the evening with Luigi, it seemed crazy And when did Mastroianni feel badly? "Luigi did not inform me of his health conditions. It's me who learned the news on social media, I wrote to him " she replied " And you want to know what was your answer ?! "Do not worry, take advantage of Ibiza and we'll talk about it, as if nothing had happened. I have conversations that prove it. "

Men and women, Sara Affi Fella against Luigi Mastroianni:" He who loves you does not trouble the person who stands by his side "

On his relationship with Luigi, moreover, Sara added at the end: "Luigi has always been absent: he has never called or written. Most of the time it was because I myself was going to Rome. Love is another thing. Those who love do not move the person who stands by his side to get out of it, nor do they talk intimately with each other to confirm his victim's thesis. He threw me to the lions. The truth is that Luigi was in a hurry to leave me, to make the victim and to let me go through the bad story. "

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